Topic on User talk:DocColress

What's YMMV for me is whether or not he crosses the line from mere Classic Villain to Complete Monster. It's obvious he was selfish since no other Twili had any issues with being confined to the realm like he did, and he couldn't dare say he was looking after his people when he'd transform them into his tools. Though, evil or selfish or not, it's really hard to blame him if what you said was his reason for taking Ganon down with him. It'd be liked if Teru Mikami killed Light Yagami - seeing that your god doesn't meet expectations and in actuality never has kind of kills the whole devotion. xD

Another issue is the only one of those we see on-screen is his attack on Hyrule castle, and there he actually does spare Zelda's life when he could very have have killed her like he did the Zora Queen. Transforming people and freezing the Zora's alive have on-screen results that speak for themselves, but his murder of the queen was entirely mentioned, and turning Hyrule into a hellish world is something Ganon did before him in "Ocarina", and he may well be credited for this one too.

Zant was despicable and terrible no doubt, but he's a less clear cut example than others. Mainly 'cause Ganondorf stood unopposed in "Ocarina", and Ghirahim and Yuga were shown to be above Demise and Ganon respectively in how cruel and heinous they were in their games. With Zant, he has to compete with his "god" Ganondorf in the same game and it kind of becomes blurry if one eclipses the other or if they're both equal.