Topic on User talk:DocColress

I got Veran written up! I have to say, it's disappointing that Onox sounds pretty bland as a person, he has a pretty cool design (Same with Veran, who I appreciate for getting screentime and more of a personality) at the very least.

So with that, I think that Zelda doesn't have any potential contenders left, at least for the time being. Assuming of course that I'm missing out on someone from Hyrule Warriors, that is (I have yet to play that one). Zelda U and other titles could change it of course, but I think what we have is pretty good at the moment provided that the various Manga adaptations didn't upgrade any existing villains into being worse than their game selves.

Oh wait, I forgot: we DO have a qualifier: the development team behind the CD-I games! Of course, you could argue that in spite of the horrible gameplay, Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon being unintentionally hilarious could count as redeeming qualities, but those went out the window once they made Zelda's Adventure, which was just terribad all around...

I'm joking please don't hurt me