Topic on User talk:DocColress

I don't know if you care, but as of the latest episodes, I think I made the right call on keeping an eye out for Uellow Diamond. She made her first appearance and here's what we know so far:

She doesn't give a rats ass about the Gems who serve under her and reacts with casual indifference to the report of a loyal soldier's supposed death, holds organic life in contempt, has an awful temper to the point to where she immediately tries to murder a minion of hers for insulting her, and was confirmed to have overseen the creation of the Cluster. Basically, she had an enormous creature created by melding tons of dead Gems together, which revived them and leaves them in a state of constant agony, and plans to use it to destroy the Earth, and actively ignores the option to keep the planet around to use for resources purely out of spite towards the late leader of the Crystal Gems. God damn.

Of course, it's far too early to propose her yet (and given the show's awful hiatus-addled schedule, we're likely to wait a looooooong time), but she's already shaping up to be one of THE most evil characters I've seen in western cartoons just for the Cluster's creation alone. Sorry if this was a waste of time or something.