Topic on User talk:DocColress

I can totally get behind that! Especially since Troy was brilliant as the Joker in Origins (though it unfortunately came at the cost of stealing Black Mask's thunder... -_-). Other than them, my favorite casting choice is Wally Wingert as the Riddler, he's amazing.

So in other news, I noticed that on the wikia fork, you've been having issues in regards to Percy from The Green Mile. Maybe I shouldn't really weigh in since I haven't watched the movie or read the book, but I have no problem with him qualifying: drawing out someone's death by making it as slow and painful as you can manage, along with it being death by electric chair is fucked up, even if Wild Bill has a higher bodycount.

Also, it looks like you went ahead and added Bill Cipher. I haven't watched Gravity Falls so I allowed myself to get hit with some heavy spoilers, but I have to say he's one of the most screwed up villains to come from a Disney Cartoon, let alone Disney itself. "I'm gonna make some children into corpses" is the last line I ever thought I'd hear coming from one of those shows.