Topic on User talk:DocColress

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

Seriously, thanks for elaborating more on the Batman Arkham examples on their respective "Qualifiers" and "No hopers" lists respectively! Since you seem to have some knowledge about Arkham Knight whether it be through playing the game or doing research, am I safe to assume that Penguin gets no redeeming qualities in Knight? Unfortunately, I still have yet to get a PS4 and Arkham Knight at the moment so I still want to remain spoiler free (Though I did get a few Knight spoilers by looking at the Non-Examples before realizing what I was reading. Still, that was my own fault!). :(

DocColress (talkcontribs)

I've only done some research (I got no PS4, though I finally got and am playing the first two games on my PS3!) And no, Penguin barely factors into Knight and remains a repulsive asshole. It's also settled that Riddler and Hush definitely don't qualify in the long run - the only new qualifier the game gives us is Scarecrow, who was already pretty nasty in Asylum but in this one is just holy shit.

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

I'm honestly anticipating seeing Scarecrow in action once I get Knight, if nothing else due to John Noble voicing him and doing a brilliant job from the clips I've heard.

Yeah, I had a feeling Riddler wouldn't count in the end. At the time though Hush did seem reasonable to keep an eye out for considering how he established himself in City. Hell, given the type of stuff he did when he was introduced in the comics, I wouldn't be too surprised if an incarnation of him counted in the future.

So you've played Asylum and City? Awesome! I hope that you've been enjoying them,I certainly did! As far as I'm concerned, those games were really on point in terms of atmosphere, combat (moreso in City), and voice acting. The only voice I wasn't too big on was Harley in City. Tara Strong has gotten better since then, but all I heard when playing was Timmy Turner on helium. I kinda wish they got Hynden Walch because she does a near-perfect job at replicating Arleen Sorkin's Harley.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Yeah, Hush was such a letdown in Knight. They gave him such a chilling build-up in City and yet he's pretty much a footnote in the final game.

Exactly how I feel regarding Harley's voice! Hynden Walch actually did voice her in Assault on Arkham and I couldn't help noticing how much better she was than Tara Strong. I feel Hynden Walch and Troy Baker ought to be considered the successors to Arleen Sorkin and Mark Hamill's Harley and Joker.

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

I can totally get behind that! Especially since Troy was brilliant as the Joker in Origins (though it unfortunately came at the cost of stealing Black Mask's thunder... -_-). Other than them, my favorite casting choice is Wally Wingert as the Riddler, he's amazing.

So in other news, I noticed that on the wikia fork, you've been having issues in regards to Percy from The Green Mile. Maybe I shouldn't really weigh in since I haven't watched the movie or read the book, but I have no problem with him qualifying: drawing out someone's death by making it as slow and painful as you can manage, along with it being death by electric chair is fucked up, even if Wild Bill has a higher bodycount.

Also, it looks like you went ahead and added Bill Cipher. I haven't watched Gravity Falls so I allowed myself to get hit with some heavy spoilers, but I have to say he's one of the most screwed up villains to come from a Disney Cartoon, let alone Disney itself. "I'm gonna make some children into corpses" is the last line I ever thought I'd hear coming from one of those shows.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Wally has become the definitive Riddler voice for me too!

The main thing is that the narrative and other characters within it treat Percy and Wild Bill as being just as equally reprehensible but in different ways. Wild Bill's the more common type of monster while Percy's the one who hides his monstrosity beneath a legalized position and lets it out only to people he feels he can get away with bullying. Both of them are sadists to the extreme and both are responsible for truly horrific deaths in the story.

You REALLY ought to watch Gravity Falls, it was INCREDIBLE. Another line from Bill that he said like three minutes after that one was "Times up, Ford! I've got the kids! I think I'm gonna kill one of them now just for the heck of it!" and then he actually gets ready to do just that until Ford submits to his earlier demands. This guy was a very good mix of both very funny and very terrifying at once for most of the show, but in the second half of that finale his lines and actions became entirely laugh-free, instead being played totally straight and horrifying.

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

Oh I'll definitely get around to it at some point. Unfortunately, it's going to join an ever-growing backlog of shows I've been meaning to watch. Ah well, such is life.

So I don't know if you've been following any Pokemon-related news, but we're getting not a Z or X2/Y2 like I thought, but Sun and Moon instead. On one hand, I can't say I saw it coming. But on the other, if I'm correct, this game might be taking place in a new region with new Pokemon. I'm kinda glad seeing how I thought we had an incredibly underwhelming amount of new Pokemon this gen! Now if they could actually give us somewhat compelling characters and a story that feels like they somewhat tried again, that would be nice.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Also, what is wrong with this site now? The format looks all wrong here ("Reply", "Parent", "History", "Edit", "Delete", etc. are all visible one after another) and you have to use "Edit Source" instead of just "Edit" among other things.

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

I have no clue, but it's certainly ugly-looking.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

That's the VisualEditor extension. I'm getting it removed due to those issues.