Topic on User talk:DocColress

Wally has become the definitive Riddler voice for me too!

The main thing is that the narrative and other characters within it treat Percy and Wild Bill as being just as equally reprehensible but in different ways. Wild Bill's the more common type of monster while Percy's the one who hides his monstrosity beneath a legalized position and lets it out only to people he feels he can get away with bullying. Both of them are sadists to the extreme and both are responsible for truly horrific deaths in the story.

You REALLY ought to watch Gravity Falls, it was INCREDIBLE. Another line from Bill that he said like three minutes after that one was "Times up, Ford! I've got the kids! I think I'm gonna kill one of them now just for the heck of it!" and then he actually gets ready to do just that until Ford submits to his earlier demands. This guy was a very good mix of both very funny and very terrifying at once for most of the show, but in the second half of that finale his lines and actions became entirely laugh-free, instead being played totally straight and horrifying.