Topic on User talk:DocColress

Umbridge remains a strong example of a CM who shows that resources and playing fields that either limit the villain or "allow" them better chances for evildoing really matters. Umbridge is as horrible as she can possibly be no matter where she is on the totem pole of power in any given scenario.

Rowling has stated even before this play that Voldemort and Bellatrix shared true love as much as people like them are capable of, meaning to say that's they share something that's not true love but a perversion of it based upon them sharing horrible, horrible ideologies and dark passions.

Yeah, a lot of people feel the story wasn't thought through very well and that several points are ridiculous, but I just cannot see how Dephie could not be at least partially meant to be seen as a ridiculous character. The things the play has her doing and saying borders on black comedy or unintentional comedy!