Topic on User talk:DocColress

I'd said being a potential Woobie Destroyer Of Worlds as a mitigating factor for Delphie before, but after reading more detailed summaries of events in the play, that "potential" should now be "definite." She actually never intended on killing baby Harry and was instead wanting to stop Voldemort from trying to kill baby Harry (and killing his parents in the process) because that kickstarted the series of events leading to Voldemort's destruction, and all she really wanted deep down was to have her parents in her life. She actually begs to be killed or have her memory wiped completely rather than continue living with the pain of being an orphan raised on Death Eater beliefs and with knowledge of her parents, but Harry denies that to her because he can empathize how it feels like to be an orphan who knows of their dead parents' legacies but will never get to know them, and Delphie has to live with that just as he does every day. She's also witness to Voldemort killing Harry's parents inside the house, and apparently she herself is pretty mortified and solemn about that and Harry breaking down in tears afterwards. She gets sent to Azkaban, but there's definitely room for reforming her in the future.