Topic on Talk:Unintentional Period Piece

Well, yes it does deserve to exist, but in its present form the page examples read like a cross between nostalgia and "assigned in English class".

> For example, while the 1990s sitcoms Seinfeld and Frasier show their age in some respects, they don't wear The Nineties so blatantly as to have this trope apply to them.

I don't think this is really true. I think they feel dated by now.

I think this should probably be added to Omnipresent Tropes or Universal Tropes. I guess the question is, do standard Period Pieces get dated in the same way? If so, it's the first category., if not it's the second one.

And possibly also Audience Reactions, because while the work itself is a time capsule, this reaction to it depends a lot on who is watching it.