Topic on Talk:Hentai Tropes

We don't do index pages here.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

@Game4brains: Any index pages we have are fossils from TVT. Instead, we use MediaWiki's category functionality, which will automatically populate and update the category page. Which we already do with Category:Hentai Tropes. This page that you've created is a redundant page which will be outdated as soon as someone adds a new hentai trope to the wiki. In general, pages like these are redirects to the category page. Which is what I'm turning it into.

I've noticed that you've just jumped in from TVT and started adding stuff without looking to see how we do stuff here. Before you add any more content, why don't you take a few days to look at how we've implemented the areas that you frequent on TVT, and get a handle for how we do things? Also, it wouldn't hurt to read some of the pages linked off the Administrivia page, too -- there's some useful stuff. You might also want to read the So You're a TV Tropes Refugee page.