Topic on Forum:Trope Talk

A point was brought up here about how the term has aged poorly, is based on an obscure reference, and not very descriptive of the actual meaning in a manner useful for aspiring writers to understand.

Hence my rename suggestion, which should cover the same ground, and be far more applicable.

The actual trope as defined now refers to a moment in a story so out of tune with the rest of the plot it gets no mention elsewhere within it due to it's dissonance with the rest of the story. It's a bizarre moment that generally serves little point than to interrupt the plot.

Frankly, this is term I feel, while based on a joke found amusing at the time of its creation, it could stand to make more sense and be retooled to be more useful for understanding it's purpose (or lack thereof) in the story structure.

If a rename is approved, I will be happy to run a bot to fix all mentions of it across ATT.