Topic on Forum:Long Term-Perpetual Projects

Be aware that I haven't an idea on how to make a template, plus, I don't want those strict rules above which GethN7 put up there to be hidden from us, both new and old Tropers. Mainly due to me being a squib/scrub. Hence why it isn't off of the ground yet.

Here's some of my ideas from my sandbox.

Before Submitting a God/Goddess, Read The Rules: These rules are made so we don’t fall like Tv Tropes, their Trope Pantheon is more convoluted and messed up than Call of Duty. - How you ask? You need a spreadsheet to keep track of everything, we want to keep this mainly as a trope museum, having a character that embodies the trope.

1) Use proper grammar at all times. If your English is poor or not your first language, use the sandbox to get it proofread before posting or do not post.

2) If you have any bias for or against a character, keep it out of your writing.

3) Crossovers should make sense, as in having some modicum of logic.

4) Do not do lazy things, like voice actor connections between characters, to write crossovers. If you want to make crossover jokes, there are better ways of doing so.

5) Similar to rule four, please refrain from doing recycled memes. (Example: If making Mario god of mustaches, a meme reference to SM 64 DS where a battle for the best one was a PLOT POINT would be fine, just don't wear out a ton of memes in the process, try to write SOMETHING clever and original of your own).

5) Do not put characters in positions, just because they are in fashion now. Do it because the character(s) best embody a trope.

6) Keep everything consistent.

7) Refrain from trying to write epic fanfiction sagas in All The Tropes, this is a wiki. It’s encouraged that one takes that spark of creativity to, deviantart, Archive of Our Own, and other writing sites like it to make fanfiction about the ATT's Trope Pantheon, not here.

8) If you’re writing just because a character turns you on, don't.

9) If you’re writing about real people for the Trope Pantheon, use only Historical Domain Characters, especially if they’re larger than life. Don’t use currently living people, especially politicians, we don't want problems.

10) Reminder: Careful if you're bringing over a god/goddess from Tv Tropes, please do not copy word for word, otherwise it's copyright infringement. Say it in your own words. - Unless you also post on Tv Tropes and you're bringing over your own edits. In the latter case, follow the obvious regardless.

-- New Deity Template --

God X, God/dess of (Insert Trope Here) (Alternate names/Nicknames/Fan Nicknames)

An image, if possible. Please use official art or a screenshot for a picture.

Rank: This can range from god, demigod, lesser god, and whatever status the Greek Fates has.

Symbol: An image, icon, or item that's used to represent the deity.

Alignment: Good, evil, anti-heroic, and so forth. If one cannot do that, one can use the Dungeons & Dragons character alignment, the ATT Pantheon is kinda base on D&D after all.

Portfolio: The Trope/tropes associated with the character

Domains: Things this character has influence over.

Allies: Gods that are the said god's Pantheon friends/allies

Rivals: Gods that are the said god's Pantheon rivals (Or worst, foes).

Additional Character Relationships: Members of the Pantheon have relationships with each other (examples including Enemy Mine, Friendly Enemy, etc.)

Now add random trivia/facts about events/alignments/moments/fights, etc.