Topic on Forum:Long Term-Perpetual Projects

I do have a question for #9. By 'real people', you really mean just 'living people that doesn't need internet persona'? Something like JonTron? Because honestly, with what's going on with Youtube lately, I do know that this is another reason why we shouldn't do living people.

Also a good thing to consider: If we're making it to be more like a 'museum' to store the best... How will it differ with 'Most Triumphant Example'? IIRC, Trope Pantheons spiralled down into 'fanfic saga' because otherwise it might get too similar with Most Triumphant Example... even if the result is another disaster...

Also about that 'weirdo'... it might not be that. It may be that one who has deep attachment to the Shin Megami Tensei series and tried to make YHVH behind everything...