Topic on Talk:Evil Is Petty

As long as we're discussing dictionary definitions...


1 : having secondary rank or importance : minor, subordinate
2 : having little or no importance or significance
3 : marked by or reflective of narrow interests and sympathies : small-minded


1 : Of little importance; trivial. ‘the petty divisions of party politics’
1.1 : Unduly concerned with trivial matters, especially in a small-minded or spiteful way. ‘she thought readers were being petty in writing to complain about blocked paths’
2 : attributive Of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor. ‘a petty official’
2.1 : Law (of a crime) of lesser importance. ‘petty theft’

With the exception of Merriam-Webster's definition 1, these appear to me to support the current trope name. (This is much like how Merriam-Webster's definition 1 of "literature" doesn't support how we use that word, but their other definitions do.)