Topic on User talk:Infinite

Abusive moderator. MOD: No, just a mod who's following the posted rules here.

So a block is a "warning"? MOD: No, that block is because you refused to accept that you were wrong and tried to continue degrading the wiki.

Don't cover yourself and try to make it look better, you are an immature prick that can't face the reality people disagree with him, all the admins and moderators seem to have that problem. MOD: If everybody at all of the sites you visit disagree with you, what does that say about you? Play nice.

It's like tv tropes, people often complain and mock said admins and mods for that in other sites, don't be a coward trying to cover it like stupid politicians, presidents, leaders, etc try to cover their shit. MOD: And you should take your own advice here.