Topic on User talk:TBeholder

> I have discovered that it is a requirement: see Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax

It doesn't seem to be an RFC for MediaWiki. =)

> It is your responsibility to to fix the remainder of the fragments you have left scattered throughout the wiki -- you broke it, you fix it.

I can't even remember when picked this up, thus it's obviously not practically feasible to do this via going through history. On the upside, fixing hacky links as they are encountered will also fix the ones that aren't mine.

> Please reply to this posting so that we know that you have read it. If you fail to reply before noon Eastern time on June 25, we will put a non-punitive editing block on your userID, and will remove said block after you have replied.

Well, it's up to you. If you think this will accelerate the process, of course.

As a side note, even fixing all of them isn't going to make search suck significantly less, since this removes only 2 out of 6 versions for the same link (http|https|none × www|none)... not counting possible variants with URL encoding (which may or may not work correctly without it, too).