Topic on Talk:Courage the Cowardly Dog/Fanfic Recs

@New XanderMartin98: Authors may not add recommendations for their own fics to recommendation pages. The value of the recommendations is that they come from genuine readers who have enjoyed and wish to share the fics in question; an author shilling his own work via a recommendation he wrote himself lacks the independent point of view which gives a recommendation any value at all; it is also a level of self-promotion that we do not permit at All The Tropes. We're fine with you writing works pages for your stories; we're not fine with you essentially advertising them under the guise of testifying as an independent reader to how good they are.

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak