Topic on User talk:NormAtredies

Norm, I gotta be honest, and I say this as a devout Christian who is nonetheless a moderator here, and honesty is something both positions force me to value highly, so consider this said with my mod hat on.

Whatever your biases, they have no place here. I have no more right to turn what should be a place for objective fact (save YMMV pages, where opinion can be expressed according to appropriate restraints) into a shrine for my religious views than an atheist is welcome to bash religion here.

Frankly, and I'm not going to spare your feelings, you have some strong opinions, and consciously or unconsciously, you appear to be pursuing some pointed agendas on certain topics. Off this site, you are more than welcome to feel whatever you like, but here, your opinion is of EQUAL value to all others, whether you like it or not. As for fact, it is NOT be given any bias towards anything other than fact alone.

You are treading on thin ice that has already severely cracked. If you keep going, I will personally hand you your walking papers, for whatever period we at ATT deem fit, because it is starting to become rather clear certain topics will be the start of pointed attempts to allow a minority view to trump objective fact and where YMMV is in play, communal consensus, and we are not a battleground, nor will we become one.