Topic on User talk:Zierin705

Well. That's a good first try. But it's still missing all of the markup that makes it a functional wiki page -- markup that would have been automatically inserted for you had you used the Page Creator as I'd strongly suggested above. Nor did you apparently read our Style Guide. I have gone in and added all the mandatory, required markup. And removed all the unneeded html line breaks -- where did you get the idea that they were needed?

Please don't do this in the future. We've gone well out of our way to provide tools that do 90% of the hard work for users, and seeing someone just drop a mostly-unformatted page into the wiki after being pointed at those tools is ... well, annoying, and close to meriting another warning. Go to the Style Guide and read its "tl;dr" section right now -- and take it to heart. Then read the Works Page Guidelines. This is a formal request from the moderation staff.

EDIT: I was so focused on the markup, I missed something important in the content -- don't cram two or more works into a single page. Create a separate page for the sequel game.