Topic on Talk:Designated Hero

I have recently added SMG4 Mario as a Heroic Comedic Sociopath and SMG4 Wendy O. Koopa as a Designated Monkey. By nature of often being heroic comedic sociopaths, Mario and his foils in SMG4 can easily come across as Designated Heroes, which happens whenever they do something a viewer considers Dude, Not Funny. This is a general phenomenon; for example, Mario in SMG4:Stupid Mario World is also a pretty obnoxious Jerkass, and you don't really wonder why Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings don't like him. Yet he crosses the line twice a lot, which makes it funny again (e.g. how he abuses Yoshi). So it may be unnecessary to add SMG4 Mario or supporting characters as Designated Heroes, because in some way it is obvious.

In addition, I'm not sure what role Mario is supposed to play in The Mario Mafia - is he the hero, or is he the villian protagonist? Are we actually expected to root for Mario, or does he behave like a huge jerk in order that we hate him somehow? A mob boss fighting against a rival clan may be either a dark Anti-Hero or a villian in an Evil vs Evil plot.

Concerning Meggy, the trope Took A Level In Jerkass may be appropriate, as this could be used to explain her entire character development - starting from a Jerkass Blood Knight to taking a level in kindness around christmas 2017, then suddenly becoming a Knight Templar in The Mario Mafia, and subsequently developing into a more and more adorable Nice Girl. Other characters in SMG4 often play with Take a Level in Jerkass / Kindness similarly. (Usually being a Jerkass at the beginning, then zig-zagging and eventually becoming relatively benign.)