Topic on Talk:Designated Hero

Lol as much as I have analyzed this video already on this talk page, I could as well write an entire ATT article on it... but I think it would be more important to improve the article on SMG4 first (which at least exists in ATT by now *smile*).

A few things I have already here...

  • Mario is either Designated Hero or Villain Protagonist
  • depending on that, Meggy is The Lancer or The Dragon
  • if Mario is nominally heroic, then Bob is the Token Evil Teammate
  • Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings are inversions of the Knight Templar Parent
  • Bowser, and more so his kids, are Anti-Villains
  • Bowser's kids, and especially Wendy, are Jerkass Woobies; Bob also
  • the whole Mario Mafia is an example of Knight Templar, especially towards the end
  • Meggy is The Spock
  • Luigi is The McCoy
  • Bowser's clan uses a lot of A-Team Firing
  • Wendy is probably an antagonist Type III Anti-Hero, since she uses drastic measures only when cornered and otherwise just runs for her life and that of Bowser
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: the infamous scene where Wendy surrenders and Meggy kicks her out; also when Mario kills his injured foil Po
  • Meggy and some of the Koopalings are Blood Knights
  • Crosses The Line Twice
  • Escalating War
  • Took A Level In Jerkass: as already mentioned, Meggy, but also Steve at the end, as well as some of the Koopalings (Larry!)
  • Senseless Sacrifice: anyone who dies through the plot
  • Crapsack World
  • Luigi and Bob are the non-lethal Butt Monkeys
  • Lighter shade of black: Apparently Bowser, but this may be only because of lack of opportunity
  • Steve becomes a Trojan Horse in the final attack, and then goes Imperial Stormtrooper Markmanship Academy
  • anyone can be put somewhere on the Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes or Anti-Villains
  • Too Dumb To Live: Bowser at the end, given that he is a mob boss

etc. pp.

So far, this is no longer an issue to be discussed here. Maybe I will have enough time one day to add a decent list of tropes to the overarching article on SMG4 (or somebody else does if not me), and then we can see further...