Topic on Talk:Artifact Title


  • "Artifact Title" is used only on troping wikis, including this one.
  • "Legacy Title" is a collection of real-estate "title and escrow" service companies that operate in the USA. I see no reason to take a real-world name and give it a different meaning here. (Disclaimer: I'm the person who proposed we give "Power Trio" back its real-world meaning.) Also, for whatever reason, on this wiki the term "Legacy" refers to Legacy Characters. It appears to me that this name would introduce confusion into a wiki that is intended to be a reference site for writers and writing.
  • "Antiquated Title" is not used anywhere. Using this name appears to me to be change for the sake of change.

I see no reason to change the trope name at this time. While "Artifact Title" might not be perfect, it's as good as or better than any alternative presented so far.