Topic on Talk:Power Systems

Alright, I wanted to make sure if it was alright to change this part of the description that I think @Jlaw added: "Sure signs that you're dealing with this kind of power-driven link are as follows:

  • There is a clear divide between those with powers and those without, possibly leading to the persecution of one or both groups.
  • There is a shared name for your abilities or people, like Blessing, Chosen, or Unclean.
  • Those with powers organize into factions, either by the nature of their powers, or ideology."

It is not that I think it is wrong but that it would need a different way of describing what they are in a setting like for the Masquerade, Invisible to Normals, or a normal part of the world. I would like to change it to: "Power Systems are Plot Devices that are a part of the setting, meaning they can vary from media." There are many things that Power Systems can be that may go outside the three examples. Here are some of them:

  • Nen is a supernatural technique that anyone can awaken to, but it is clandestine due to how much chaos it can cause to the status quo.
  • Sigils in the Darwin Game are powers granted by the app to survive combat with other players or events.
  • Stands are a power that some people can awaken to due to an arrow created from a meteor.
  • Embryos are a gameplay feature in Infinite Dendrogram that is based on the Master's personality and experiences in the world.
  • Powers in Seven Deadly Sins are abilities people can awaken to and are usually used by knights and other warriors worldwide.

I plan on making this change soon. So, does this sound like a good idea?