Topic on Talk:Give the Villain a Hero's Funeral

Abstaining for now. I haven't read the entire page yet. Of those I have read, some are difficult to follow. Our Valkyria Chronicles III example is quite clunky.

In Valkyria Chronicles III The Nameless privately give traitor Gusurg a funeral after they kill him because its members understand (though not necessarily agree with) with his reasons for betraying Gallia, and still genuinely respect his mentorship/leadership and the friendships they had before his betrayal.

Who are The Nameless? Who/what is Gallia? In the examples I write on trope pages, I tend to put the trope that best describes what they are. For example, taking from the recently launched Opposite Gender Protagonists trope:

The Cute Witch Kiki and the aviation obsessed Nice Guy Tombo in Kiki's Delivery Service, who start out disliking each other.

We can split the example into two smaller sentences instead of lumping the ideas into one big run on sentence. Here's my attempt to rewrite the phrase, which should be checked by someone who has played the game.

In Valkyria Chronicles III, The Nameless give traitor Gusurg a private funeral after they kill him. Its members understand--though not necessarily agree with--his reasons for betraying Gallia, and still genuinely respect his mentorship, leadership and the friendships they had before his betrayal.

There's also a needs context tag over by the newspaper comics entry. It's definitely not launch blocking, but it is nice to get it fixed.