Topic on Trope Workshop talk:Power Buff

I see this as affecting the power rather than the character itself. I really, really should have done this at the creation stage, but here's how I would fix and clarify it:

' A Power Buff is a superpower (ability, spell, etc) that increases other characters' superpowers. Individuals who possess this power can increase their and others' powers beyond their innate limits, whether in terms of raw output or other effects. These effects are usually temporary, especially if potency and range is involved. Boosting superpowers too much may also entail other Necessary Drawback like (hyperlink Power Incontinence) making the affected powers uncontrollable. Naturally, it's useless without any powered person around, but when there are, makes the user a priority target for Shoot The Mage First.

Inversion/opposite of Power Limiter, which limits a person's power. Contrast Super Empowering, which is about giving a person some or more powers, although it's not impossible for a granter of powers to also alter its gifts. '

And then nuke any examples that don't talk about affecting powers specifically.