Topic on Trope Workshop talk:Power Buff

I'm sorry if I have to make my points very specific. Status Buff doesn't apply to super-powers only. In the very page it is pointed out healing is a Status Buff. Health points represent the ability of a character to keep fighting. It is not a power to have health points. So, Status Buff is not a Power Buff, because health is not a power.

Status Buff is a videogame trope because it always applies to stats, values used in a videogame to determine certain traits of characters, like their ability to damage, to defend, to evade, or how much more damage they can take before they're knocked out or die(depends on the game). Power Buff applies to multiple media and only to super-powers characters already have. A Power Buff is incapable of doing anything to a normal person.

PS: And I never talked about advertising space or TV Tropes, I don't know why you keep bringing that up.