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** Think of it this way. Jack is immortal. Whatever quirk of spacetime keeping him alive is calibrated to him. Then you have the Blessing, a massive morphic field which is now tuned to Jack. Unless what Rose did is sentient, there's suddenly two identical signatures, one of which is a lot bigger. Jack's own power gets shut off by a similar effect of far greater magnitude.
** Just had a moment of fridge brilliance/fridge logic. There is that episode where Jack faces the [[Eldritch Abomination]] that feeds on life force. Now, Jack's immortality does not seem to be based on life force or any biological cause, but in a quality introduced into the Continuum by Rose that made Jack the fixed point in time he is; his healing factor and his full body regeneration may seem biological, but that is only because he is a biological entity, in reality it is the continuum reasserting him because he MUST exist, as part of this new quality or law Rose accidentally created. Now, in that episode of the original Torchwood, Jack seems to be a bottomless source of life force, this can only be explained as his body translating into a sort of biological language, the non biological cause of his immortality. It's not that he really has that much life force stored in him, it's that since the universe keeps recreating him after he should have disappeared -died-, his body gets/generates/comes with a new charge of life force, because it cannot live without that, in that episode it happened several times in a few minutes. Now, what the Blessing might have taken from Jack was the translated effect, not the cause of his immortality, but one of the consequences, just like the [[Eldritch Abomination]] in that other episode was overwhelmed by the amount of life force that Jack was generating each time the universe reasserted him. That would be why the immortality people got was flawed, they where not getting the fixed point in time deal, not even watered down -if that is even possible-, but the Blessing creating huge amounts of life force for the whole human population, in accordance with Jack's biological reaction to his temporal nature, in any case, a flawed process that may have not been sustainable for long. But in any case, this, although it could explain the reason one kind of immortality seemed to became another, still cannot explain the switch between mortal and immortal for Jack and later Rex, the Blessing would have been taking the consequence of Jack's immortality, not the cause, and broadcasting it as the new template for human life -as The Life of a Human Must Never Stop = The Life of All Humans Must Never Stop-. After all, the Blessing seems to be working in terms of a biological morphic field, according to the explanations about how the people near the Blessing, in the past, had been living the exact amount of time that was the average human life expectancy, and had been seeing their lives prolonged as humanity, trough biological means, got the life expectancy increased -in that there did was a switch in direction-. So the Blessing does not seem to be working on the same principle as Jack's immortality, which has been mentioned, is something that should not exist, but is just able to use the effect Jack's body, as a biological entity, generates because of his kind or immortality. So Jack should not have been affected by the Blessing in any way, since he cannot be robbed of his life force, given that the universe would simply recreate Jack, having his body get a fresh charge of life force every time as a consequence. In a way, Jack is a sort of Perpetual Motion Machine, probably one of the reasons he should not exist according to The Doctor.
*** i call {{timewimeyball}}[[Timey-Wimey Ball]] on that, its possible that the morphic field that the blessing created was more than just a morphic field, its possible that the field negated jacks imortal, everlasting nature, but only within the field. if the field were disabled, jack would probably come back, we saw a few episodes a null field generator, perhaps the blessing is also capable of nullifying jacks fixed-point-in-time nature within the field, the null field throwing the space-time continuum out of wack
* Why did The Families stockpile painkillers? They had no way of knowing what Jack's blood would do to the Blessing or even if it did make people immortal, they could have been given Jack-style regeneration and made painkillers obsolete altogether. Their plan depended on a very specific type of immortality that is very different from the source they're using. Even the masterminds admit they have no idea what's happening. For most of the series, the Families/Phi-Corp/whoever were portrayed as masters of the [[Xanatos Gambit]] but end up looking [[Xanatos Roulette|simply implausibly lucky in their predictions]]. And I'm still supposed to take them seriously as a threat for next series?
** Or they're very, very, VERY [[Crazy Prepared]]. They might have had the painkillers stockpiled just in case. The same is likely to be said of various other things we didn't see for one reason or another. Eg, they may have had technology/magic/spacey-wacey stuff that lets them not age as well, just in case, or that prevents healing, just in case.