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{{quote|'''Rory Williams''': Would you like me to ''repeat'' the question?}}
*** Amy Pond finally goes off the deep end in "The Wedding Of River Song", and very calmly {{spoiler|murders Madame Koravian}}. Went she returns to her normal life, she reveals that she's traumatised by it.
* [[The A-Team|'': Murdock]] is the sweetest, friendliest, [[Cloudcuckoolander|insane guy]] you will ever meet. Unless you shoot his best friend. If you are stupid enough to do this, he will stare silently at you with a look that could kill, he will walk up to you, unarmed, while you are still holding a loaded gun, and he will calmly tell you that you are just one step away from being in the same condition as his best friend that you just shot. Then, when he and his other friends have regained control of the situation, he will pin you against a wall and pound you relentlessly until he is forcibly pulled off of you. [[Berserk Button|Do. Not. Hurt.]] [[Unstoppable Rage|Murdock's. Best. Friend.]]
* ''[[Starsky and Hutch|Starsky]]'': Starsky is generally the most impulsive of the Zebra Three pair. But the calmer he looks, the more worried you should be. In other words, if you mess with his partner, Starsky will hand it back to you in a silver platter.
* Teal'c, [[The Big Guy]] in ''[[Stargate SG-1]],'' is exceptionally good at this.
** Indeed.
** The episode "Talion" showcases it nicely, as seen in the excerpt currently at [[Stargate Verse/Awesome|Stargate Verse]].
* ''[[The West Wing]]'': "[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|I am not frightened. I'm gonna blow them off the face of the earth with the fury of God's own thunder.]]" Don't mess with anyone who [[The West Wing|President Bartlet]] likes. In fact, don't mess with Americans, period.
* ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles|Cameron]]'': Cameron, being an almost [[Emotionless Girl|emotionless]] [[Robot Girl|robot]], can ''only'' enter Tranquil Fury when she gets angry - usually when someone [[Berserk Button|lies to her.]]
* ''[[Angel]]'' can do this when he's especially angry. Of course, judging by the Darla plot arc in the third season, this is a sign of a descent into darkness that we'd prefer not to see.
** Wesley as well, in late season 5, though that's also just total despair on his part after {{spoiler|Fred dies}}
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** Still in ''Buffy'', The Mayor shows this when trying to smother Buffy at the hospital.
** Xander is a surprising example of this trope given his usual goofy temperament, but threaten some one he cares about and it doesn't matter how much stronger than him you may be he will calmly inform you that he will kill you (see his conversation with Buffy after she got Willow kidnapped, or his conversation with Angel at the hospital.) It is telling that none of the super powered characters he has threatened have ignored the threat. The man can be scary when he wants to be.
* This is what ''[[The Daily Show|]]'': This is what Jon Stewart]] goes into when [[Beware the Nice Ones|he is truly angry]]. See his [ slaughter of Crossfire] for an example.
*** His latest interview with Bill O'Reilly on the O' Reilly Factor [ should also count where he rips into] [[Fox News]].
** Let's just say that slighting New York City's patriotism in front of Jon Stewart is a [[Berserk Button|very bad idea...]]
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* Raylan Givens in the very first minutes of the first episode of ''[[Justified (TV series)|Justified]]'' and several times after.
* Gene Hunt from ''[[Life On Mars]]'' is normally given to yelling his head off at all and sundry... but when one of Ray Carling's screwups results in a death in police custody, his punishment is cold, calm and severe.
* Vulcans in every incarnation of ''[[Star Trek]]'' are pictures of perfect tranquility, even when fighting. Whether they take someone out with a nerve pinch, fight hand-to-hand or blast it out with phasers, they always have a blank look of complete calm. Sometimes that calm slips a bit, and we get a glimpse of the Hot Green Blood that made them choose this path as an alternative to ''completely destroying themselves.''
** Sometimes that calm slips a bit, and we get a glimpse of the Hot Green Blood that made them choose this path as an alternative to ''completely destroying themselves.''
* ''[[Dad's Army]]'', "High Finance": Wilson, after hearing {{spoiler|Hodges}} would write off a £50 debt he was owed to him in rent by Mrs. Pike ([[Old Money|Pre-decimalisation, remember]]) if she'd be "nice" to him. Cue Wilson walking calmly from one end of the table to the other:
{{quote|'''Wilson''': I say, would you mind awfully if you could stand up.