Transparent Closet: Difference between revisions

m (moved the Abridged Series examples from "Other" to "Fan Works", renamed Other to Other Media, crosslinked the section headers, removed some excess whitespace, fixed some overcoded crosslinks, added a lot of redlinks to actors' and singers' names under Real Life, added {{who}} to a lot of names I don't recognize and aren't identified in the examples under Real Life)
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* [[Inverted Trope]] in ''[[Fans]]!'', where Shanna pretends to be a lesbian from high school until well after college, so badly that when it's over, [ Will and Jackie haven't even noticed].
* Nanase in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'', until {{spoiler|the [[Opposite Gender Clone]] of her former boyfriend shows up}}.
** Not really, the only one who ever guessed it was the also gay Justin. The only reason that everyone knew was that because {{spoiler|Susan messed up and told everyone about it}}. However it is implied that this trope will come into play soon, as she recently{{when}} had a very obvious and very public argument with her girlfriend.
*** Sarah finds out while she and Grace are hiding behind the couch at the birthday party, intending to surprise Susan and Nanase. Grace was unsurprised, saying that she thought it was obvious that Nanase and Ellen had feelings for each other. Also, Susan had started to pick up on these feelings before Nanase had, working it out when Nanase mentions Ellen's V5 pheromones which Ellen didn't have anymore. A recent{{when}} comic reveals that she'd suspected her of being gay since sophomore year.
* ''[[The Spider Cliff Mysteries]]'': Barlow's matrimonial plants in ''The Third Vault''. {{spoiler|Or maybe not.}}
* Ethan in ''[[Shortpacked]]!'' A bit strange, since his personal revelation comes the day after apparently great sex with a hot woman.
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* Mexican actor and singer [[José Christian Chávez Garza]] from RBD (Mexican rip-off from Rebelde Way) was in a transparent closet (as every male member of RBD) until his outing.
* [[John Waters]] has never directly "come out" as he thinks having to announce one's sexuality seems "square." As for his parents, he says they never asked because they were worried the answer would turn out to be [[From Bad to Worse|something worse.]]
* People magazine made a big fuss when [[Jim Parsons]] "officially" came out in a recent{{when}} interview and the general reaction was something along the lines of "no shit, why are you pretending this is news?" Like Johnny Weir, Jim was never actually in the closet, he simply never publicly discussed it before.