Tropes Will Ruin Your Life/Playing With

Revision as of 00:10, 9 January 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (Mass update links)

Basic Trope: Your life now consists of reading and editing this site.

  • Straight: You spend 6 hours a day here.
    • You finish reading a page and realize you need to be at work in 5 minutes.
  • Exaggerated: You die of starvation because the time required to eat could be put to better use fixing other people's entries.
    • You do everything while here: You eat on TV Tropes, you drink on TV Tropes, when you sleep you dream of TV Tropes, and you even go on TV Tropes while on TV Tropes.
    • You rent time on the Cray supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to handle your TV Tropes tabbing.
    • You finish reading a page and realize you needed to be at work 23 hours and 55 minutes ago.
  • Justified: You didn't have anything better to do anyway.
  • Inverted: You ruin For the Evulz.
  • Subverted: You spend quite a bit of time at this website, but it actually enhances your life instead.
    • Alternatively: TV Tropes did ruin your life. But it sucked anyway and now you can start a new one.
      • The site has made you Genre Savvy enough to realise its effect, so now you won't visit it any more.
  • Double Subverted: ...which makes you continue coming to this site for longer and longer periods of time, until you discover you've spent eight hours pressing "random article."
  • Parodied: You read one article and the next thing you know 80 years have passed and you've read every single page on the wiki.
    • Writing blues songs about your spouse, children and dog leaving you because you're always reading TV Tropes, losing your job and being evicted. And now you're sitting in the street, still troping from a web-enabled cellphone.
    • You realised how much TV Tropes ruins lives, and vowed to fight its evil influence, and free the trapped minds it holds in its thrall!
    • You accidentally come here, and close the tab immediately, and apparently 80 years have passed.
  • Averted: You read and enjoy articles, and make the occasional edit, but it has no adverse effects on your social life.
  • Deconstructed: The vast amount of time you spend at TV Tropes slowly makes you a sad, depressed loner who never goes outside...
  • Reconstructed: ...but it turns out the long amount of time you spend on TV Tropes was just a symptom of depression, not the cause. After getting treatment for your depression, you thereafter only devote a reasonable amount of time to the wiki. Your vocabulary is shot, though.
    • At one time when you go on TV Tropes while the server crashed, you yell "I'M FREE!"
    • But then people realize the value of moderation. You can still trope on Sundays!
  • Zig Zagged: You find yourself devoting too much time to TV Tropes, and do something to prevent that. Then you slowly begin to circumvent/forget/ignore that, until you're back to your old ways. So you put down another countermeasure...
  • Enforced: The government makes it illegal to come here, so you end up in jail.
  • Lampshaded: Telling your friends about how TV Tropes ruined your life.
  • Invoked: You introduce your worst enemy to TV Tropes to ruin their life.
  • Defied: You force your internet browser to block
  • Discussed: What this page and its parent entry are all about.
  • Conversed: Discussing TV Tropes on a forum.
  • Played For Laughs: Going to this site has made you witty, clever, and capable of dropping brilliant references in everyday conversation. Unfortunately, the sun now burns your flesh, so you can't make much use of your new wisdom and wit.
    • Because you're obsessively troping all the time, your family stages an intervention. You can't help mentioning that there are tropes for that.
    • Your parents tell you to get off the computer and go play outside. You do anyway on your internet enabled cell phone.
    • You make a t-shirt using the picture on the main page.
  • Played For Drama: Your wife divorves from you, you lost your job but you couldn't stop troping. You begin to sell your clothes and furnitures to buy fast-food in order to not to interrupt your troping.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: Moral Guardians attempt to ban TV Tropes to save the children.

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