US Gov Sim: Difference between revisions

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''[[US Gov Sim]]'', short for ''[[Captain Obvious|United States Government Simulation]]'' and also further abbreviated USG, is a [[Play By Post|forum-based]] [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|simulation of American politics.]] In addition to crafting and attempting to pass legislation as a member of Congress, players can also take on roles as media pundits, governors, cabinet members and presidential advisors, and now, lobbyists.
The game is played in [[Reset Button|resets]], typically beginning with the last or the next upcoming real life election year with a backstory explaining how the real life American political leaders gave way to the player characters as well as introducing a few basic storylines to start. From there, the players pick things up and run with it. After some time has passed (usually a little over a year in real life time), the game resets. USG is a [[Long Runner]], currently in reset 8.