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A popular use of the trope is to have the hot wife be beautiful on the outside only, and on the inside she's a [[Manipulative Bitch|manipulative]], [[Gold Digger|materialistic]], spiteful bitch who doesn't deserve her [[Henpecked Husband]]'s kindness, especially if he is just a [[Meal Ticket]] for her. This could lead to [[An Aesop]] that looks aren't everything and that appearances are often deceptive ([[Unfortunate Implications|Although, this isn't so great on several levels when you think about it]]).
See also [[Beast and Beauty]], [[Give Geeks a Chance]], [[Nerd Nanny]], [[No Accounting for Taste]], [[Hot Consort]], [[Attractiveness Isolation]], and [[Kavorka Man]]; and don't forget that [[Most Writers Are Male]]. May overlap with [[May-December Romance]], if the man is old on top of being ugly (or is ugly simply as a result of being old). This trope often gives birth to the [[Ugly Guys HotThe Daughter|Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter]]. Contrast [[Model Couple]] and [[Hot Guy, Ugly Wife]].
{{noreallife|All The Tropes is not a gossip site.}} And note that it's '''Ugly''' Guy, not Average Guy.<ref>As attractiveness is subjective, the general rule of thumb should go that the guy is either overweight, dorky looking, dorky acting or has personality issues (like rude table manners) that wouldn't compensate for a mediocre appearance</ref>