Ultimate Marvel: Difference between revisions

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Part re-imagining, part [[Adaptation Distillation]], the '''''Ultimate''''' line was originally an attempt by [[Marvel Comics]] to tempt readers into comics without being scared off by the [[Continuity Porn|decades]] of [[Backstory]] and [[Retcon|Retcons]] in the official universe.This attempt was launched in November, 2000. This had already been attempted by various other experiments - the [[Marvel Comics 2]] comic line, [[The New Universe]], [[Dork Age|Heroes Reborn]], etc., but none of those met with the success the Ultimate Marvel line did, except for ''[[Spider-Girl]]'' (the original ''MC2'' title, and via multiple relaunches the only survivor of the line), which became the longest running [[Spider-Man|Spidey]] spin-off ever.
As basically an experiment which does not affect the main universe, changes and revelations are more permanent, and the universe as a whole has plot lines and continuity more neatly intertwined; notably, the connections to the Weapon X project from ''[[Ultimate X-Men]]'' and the history of the [[Super Soldier]] [[Super Serum|Serum]]/CaptainAmerica from ''[[The Ultimates]]''. As the line has grown and accumulated its own continuity, its focus has shifted from distilling old stories to making all kinds of [[Shocking Swerve|sweeping changes]], like killing X-Men's sacred cows or replacing Peter Parker as Spider-Man.
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=== The Ultimate Marvel titles provide examples of: ===
* [[Breaking the Fellowship]]: Happened to the X-Men and Fantastic Four in ''[[Ultimatum]]'' due to the losses each suffered in that event. The remaining X-Men eventually regrouped, especially after Spider-Man died, but the Four were cemented as broken up forever when {{spoiler|Reed turned evil as a [[Knight Templar]]}}.
* [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke]]: Stated as such by Nick Fury at the end of ''Ultimate Six''. Outside of the Asgardians, just about every existing superhuman can be traced back to military experiments in some way.