Ungrateful Bastard: Difference between revisions

→‎Video Games: adding example.
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* In [[John C. Wright]]'s ''[[The Golden Oecumene|The Golden Age]]'', the amnesiac Phaethon hears himself denounced as ungrateful and later learns that he is suing to have his father declared dead after his father had died to save him and been revived from a noumenal recording. {{spoiler|Still later, he recovers his memory. He learns that his dying father had asked him to do something and pledged him monetary support so he could do it; he was suing to get the money to carry out his father's [[Last Request]].}}
* In ''[[Warrior Cats]]'', Brokenstar plots with {{spoiler|Tigerstar}} to take over Thunderclan, even though the same clan gave him shelter when he was blinded and '''saved him from being murdered''' by two other clans. Even his own clanmates don't treat him with the same kindness as Thunderclan.
* No matter how many times [[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]] saves his school, the students of Hogwarts will still turn against him on a moment's notice on the strength of lies purported by the government. Meanwhile, Harry never shows any gratitude to Snape for saving his life in the first book, or for attempting to save him and his friends from Sirius Black (at the time believed to be a mass murderer), or for saving their life ''again'' in ''[[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (novel)|Order of the Phoenix]]''. Of course, Snape's a dick to Harry, but you'd think saving his life would merit at least a "thank you" from a kid whose defining characteristic is love.
** In Harry's defense, he didn't know about the first one until it was months too late to say anything, Snape immediately voided whatever gratitude Harry might have owed him for the second incident by deliberately lying about what happened to try and to get Sirius murdered an hour later, and by the time Harry first saw Snape again after the third incident Snape was in full double agent mode and doing his absolute best to convince Harry (and everyone else) he was actually working for Voldemort.
** Draco Malfoy. Ron even lampshades it:
{{quote|"And that's the second time we've saved your life tonight, you two-faced bastard!"}}
* Anyone who has read [[Stephen King]]'s ''Everything's Eventual'' will know that [[Ungrateful Bitch|Diane]], the character from the short story ''Lunch at the Gotham Cafe'', is '''definitely''' this trope. You would think, that even after her husband just saved her life from a psychotic waiter, even after she treated him very coldly, not to mention demanding a divorce, would at least warrant a "thank you" from her!
* ''[[Discworld]]'' heroes often get this, especially the ones who saved the world from certain destructuiondestruction, because people become a lot less certain about how certain it was. In particular, we're told in ''[[Discworld/Eric|Eric]]'' that there was some talk of building a statue of Rincewind after he saved the world from the Dungeon Dimensions (again) in ''[[Discworld/Sourcery|Sourcery]]'', but as the wizards became more determined to [[Let Us Never Speak of This Again|pretend it never happened]] (since they were the ones who started a magical war and opened the rift in the first place) this became a comemorativecommemorative plaque, then a commendation on the roll of honour, and finally an official reprimand for being improperly dressed.
* The ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: The protagonists, of all people, are these! ''Payback'' has Mark Lane save Julia's life, and instead of being grateful, Charles Martin sends three men with presidential gold shields to intimidate Mark, and the three men perform a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] on Mark's friend Jack Emery. In that book ''Deja Vu'', almost all the men working with the Vigilantes up and leave, and Charles has to explain to the ladies that their men risk their lives, careers and reputations on a daily basis for them, and they have never shown any sort of gratitude for their men! Unfortunately, the ladies do not take that to heart, because the men successfully find the ladies' target, point out his location, and the women respond to this by performing a No Holds Barred Beatdown on their target in front of their men, without even allowing the men to have a piece of him! [[Ungrateful Bitch]]es!
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* ''[[World of Warcraft]]''
** The player can rescue {{spoiler|Magatha Grimtotem}} from the Twilight's Hammer cult, but she responds with a promise to kill the player if they ever meet again.
** To Alliance players, the Nightborne - particularly Thalyssra - comes across this in ''Battle for Azeroth''. Here’s how it goes down during the ''Legion'' expansion (short version): The player first finds Thalyssra as a Nightfallen, starving for lack of mana and assaulted by Withered. After finding her sanctuary and saving her from ''becoming'' a Withered - clearly a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] - the player finds her fellow outcasts Oculeth (which requires using malfunctioning teleporters and fighting his insane apprentice) and Valtrois (which requires solving a mirror puzzle) and keep ''them'' from starving. Next follows a long campaign where the player has fight through mobs of spider-demons to find a seed to plant a new Arcan’dor, then sneak into the Surumar vineyards gain mana wyrms (needed to keep vermin away from the young Arcan’dor). What follows then is a long string of quests where the player has to continually infiltrate Surumar in disguise (risking death if it falters) find mana to keep his three allies from starving ''and'' pay a pricey informant, all while saving citizens - including children - from slavers, interrupting a public execution, spreading slander among nobles to rig an election, and even delving into the Emerald Nightmare itself. Eventually, the Arcan’dor blossoms and the Nightfallen are cured of the cursed state, but it’s not over yet. After raising an army (managing to get the Alliance and Horde to cooperate, for petes' sake), training soldiers, and fighting the Legion again and again, Surumar is finally freed. (Causing the player to gain the well-deserved [[Good Samaritan|Good Surmerian achievement]]. After all this, one would think you’d have a friend and ally for life, but that’s only the case if you’re Horde, because when Battle for Azeroth starts, Thalyssa sides with them, simply because Tyrande makes ''one'' rude comment. Clearly, members of the Alliance would see such an act as cruel betrayal, and the worst thing is, this is far from the only example of this that the new expansion has caused.
* At the end of ''[[Crash Bandicoot|Crash: Twinsanity]]'' Dr. Neo Cortex {{spoiler|learned from his mistake and goes back to being Crash's arch rival}}.
* Miles Edgeworth comes off as one to Phoenix Wright in the first ''[[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney]]'' game. When things look hopeless for him while he's on trial for murder, Maya manages to coerce Lotta into making a contradiction with her testimony by shouting out at her, getting held in contempt of court in the process, but in response, after the first day of the trial, Edgeworth [[Does Not Know How to Say Thanks|tells Phoenix she should watch what she says in court]]. This is ultimately subverted when it is revealed that Edgeworth arranged to pay for Maya's bail. Gumshoe also notes that Edgeworth's lips were trembling during the outburst.
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