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[[Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]] without the "Assassin's Creed" part.
== Episode Recap ==
Gromer Pyle: USMC
'''The Intolerable Acts'''
Gromer Plyle, a country born Mayberry resident, enlists into the US Marines. Hilarity Ensures.
The episode continued where the aptly named '''The Boston Tea Party''' left off, at the Wheatley print shop, where Moses, James, Sarah, and Henri are stuck until the wagon can be fix.
Click ''here'' to go to the main page, MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!!!!
Meanwhile, Boston is and the King's Regulars began to swarm the small state, due to the colonists dumping the tea, since this is big news, James and Henri ran back to report it.
== Episode Recap ==
* [[Backstory]]: Henri's backstory, he and his parents were migrating to find a new home in the Thirteen Colonies, but disaster struck, the Plague happened on the ship. - Many died, including Mr. and Mrs. LeFebve. This left their son as an orphan and a slave to the captain.
** James going in detail about how he became an orphan.
* [[Good Samaritan]]: The nameless passing by neighbor that rescued a baby James Hiller from a burning house.
* [[Flashback]]
* [[Justified Title]]
== Let's Go Eevee/Let's Go Pikachu YMMV==
* To some IRL Poketrainers for both this game see the Pokeball Plus as the best thing ever.
** It's better to play this game with this device, unlike the Joycons.
*** Others see this as this as Nintendo/Game Freak/Pokemon Company pulling a [[Ubisoft]] or worst, [[EA]], since the Pokeball Plus is fifty USD and that the Mew is locked between a paywall.
**** They have a point since IT's only this special Mew that can be put into LGEP and not the one from [[Pokemon Go]].
**** Worst, is that the Legendary is a one time DLC that the IRL trainer has to take special care of it.
**** As as worst, is that the PBP doesn't come with much instructions, save searching for it all over the official Nintendo tech support website. This leads some IRL Poketrainers to seeing the Pokeball Plus as an over glorified joycon that's not worth the price tag, or a paper weight.
== Overwatch ==
The Spy causes some gamers to leave for other TF2 "clones", like Overwatch, due to him [[False Friend|impersonating]] foe teammates, getting shot/backstabbed one too many times, and newcomers picking him (whose inexperience will lead to some problems).
== Overwatch 2 ==
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'''Self Notes'''
Just in case this is an actual sequel and not an expansion.
Move Echo to the new character page.
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* [[Allegedly Free Game]]: To those who bought the first game, Overwatch 2 is free for them.
* [[Blizzard Battle.Net]]
* [[Free to Play]]: Kinda, as long as gamers own the first Overwatch game, Overwatch 2's PVE mode is this...And it's optional.
* [[Killer App]]: Once again, if one wants to play OW2, they must use Battle.Net.
* [[No Export for You]]: Some of the updated Heroes' appearances are exclusive only to Overwatch 2.
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* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: The lore side of the fanbase were begging and were about to resorting to do a [[Hollywood Satanism|Satanic Ritual]] just to get some Lúcio and Zenyatta lore. Turns out that they didn't need to do the ritualthat, since Blizzard gave the Brazilian freedom fighter and the Omnic monk larger roles in this game.
** The same goes with other minor characters that didn't get lore screen time in the first game.
** Other gamers are happy that Blizzard is breathing new life into Overwatch by making Overwatch 2. Even assuming that this will fix the plaguing flaws that are prevailing in the first game.
* [[DLC]]: Some gamers stated that Overwatch 2 should've been this, considering that it'll be an add on to the first game.
** Some fans and haters are now saying that now people have to pay approximately $60 just for an extra game mode and some skins.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Some of the new duds that the characters wore in the "Zero Hour" trailer and gameplay footage got popular.
* [[Fandom Rivalry]]: With the announcement, it seems as though with some fans and haters that Blizzard *gasp* copied the obscure "[[Team Fortress 2|Mann vs. Machine]]" mode, thus rekindling the Overwatch vs TF2 rivalry again.
** And also, "[[Left 4 Dead]]."
*** Or rather, cue the TF2 fans/Overwatch edgy fans/OW haters making fun of Overwatch again just for the fun.
* [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks]]: Some fans are pointing out that OW2 is the first game repackage.
* [[Lady Not-Appearing-In-This-Game]]: Theorized and rumored. Some gamers are suspecting that the [[Fanservice|fanservice]] that Overwatch is...rather infamous for, would be tone down somehow.
** The fact that in some of the trailers and gameplay footage is proof enough for them that Blizzard is doing this, considering that we don't see guys, like Tracer or Widowmaker, that much or when we do see them, they are covered up more than usual.
*** Subverted, since in both the games and lore, characters like Widowmaker and Tracer, have important roles.
* Overwatch 2 won't need to be paid, since it's just gonna be a new engine, new visuals, maps, heroes, and etcs. AS long as one owns the first game.
** It's only the '''PVE''' part that's pay-able.
* During the "Zero Hour" trailer, some fans thought that Mei-Ling Zhou was gonna die when she was seriously injured, because the mainland Chinese Hero was adopted into a "[[La Résistance|freedom fighter]]" mascot/meme for 2019 Hong Kong protests.
** Also, basedsome onfans and haters concluded that Blizzard doesn't wanna anger China any further and assumed such.
''Character Page''
=== Echo ===
Echo was an Omnic, who has a history with Overwatch, especially McCree.
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by Echo include:}}
* [[Computer Voice]]: Female
* [[Robot Girl]]
* {{spoiler|[[Walking the Earth]]}}: {{spoiler|Echo is going to hover all the way to Gibraltar}}.
== Pokemon Elements Cheat Sheet ==
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Pokemon SwSh review (Nintendo Life):
== KH Union Cross ==
* [[Hologram]]: In one of the early quests, when the gamer meets Ephemer for the first time. He tells him that all of the world that the gamer has travels to are just computer data.
== Pokemon Sun and Moon Character Sheet ==
Player Character
* [[Secret Keeper]]: The Playable Trainer is part of Lillie's inner circle of all things concerning Nebby, the Cosmog.
* [[Silent Protagonist]]
Lillie and Nebby
* [[A Boy and His X|A Girl and Her Mon]]
* [[Actual Pacifist]]: Lillie being a pacifist dislikes the idea of Pokemon fighting each other. It's too the point that she has to carry a ton of repeals on her person for self defense.
* [[Badass in Distress]]: Nebby when he gets in trouble, despite that he's powerful to create a huge blast of light and processes other unknown abilities.
** Makes sense, since he's a baby and cannot attack back for self-defense.
* [[Beleaguered Assistant]]: Lillie describes herself as an assistant to Professor K, but she gets anxious when she has to clean up some of the mess he makes for research purposes.
* [[No Sense of Direction]]: Lillie can easily get lost, even in short trips.
Professor Kukui
* [[Genius Ditz]]
* [[Happily Married]]: To Professor Burnet.
* [[Labcoat of Science and Medicine]]
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: He doesn't wear a shirt, only a lab coat.
* [[Aloof]]
* [[Trope]]: According to one of the grunts, Gladion was just a hired hand in Team Skull, despite that he is higher ranking.
* [[Trope]]: Gladion has a mysterious role.
* [[Long Hair Is Feminine]]
* [[Slasher Smile]]
* [[Parental Substitute]]: Lusamine considers herself as a foster Mother for ALL pokemon, which is why she wants to take care of 'em, including those that are not Alolan.
** It's one of the reasons why Aether was made.
* [[Woman in White]]
Samson Oak
* [[Expy]]|[[Identical Twin ID Tag]]: Now imagine Professor Samuel Oak with a tan and wearing a Hawaiian shirt, that's how you get Samson.
** It's also due to both Samson and Samuel are twins.
== Pokémon/Characters/Generation VII Families ==
Note: There's 100 new mons, including Alolan versions of old Pokemon.
A list of Pokémon who all debuted in [[Pokémon Sun and Moon]]. Now there's new 100 Pokémon which have not appeared in previoius generations and are added to the ever expanding pokedex. Some of the old pokemons, like raichu and the geodude line, were given new forms called "Alolan". - Which can be obtained by catching, hatching, evolution, evolving in certain places or activated in certain times. These forms even give these pokemons an alternate typing that they would not otherwise have in their respective regions, like raichu given him a psychic typing.
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* [[Dance Battler]]: Even Brionne's fighting moves and dodging appears as though it's dancing.
** This is a distraction, since the seal-like pokemon is making water bubbles to overwhelm its foes.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: Despite that Popplio is has a mostly male birth ratio, the clown seal is very effeminate appearing.
* [[Dude Looks like a Lady]]
* [[Happy Dance]]: Brionne dances to cheer up its pals, [[Serious Business|just to try and assist]].
* [[Making a Splash]]
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* [[The Leader]]: The Alolan Raticate forms a goon squad of Alolan rattatas were it assumes the head honcho role.
* [[Non-Elemental]]
* [[Palette Swap]]: Both Alolan Rattata and Alolan Raticate have dark brown color schemes. Whereas in other regions they are purple (rattata) or light brown (raticate)
Alolan Raichu
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* [[No Export for You]]: Due to living in the Alolan island, raichu gotten a different form from its "NO EXPORT FOR YOU" diet, unlike his peers in other regions.
** Raichu even loves these specially prepared Alolan pancakes, it made some islanders wondering if this is responsible for its unusual form.
* [[Palette Swap]]
* [[Psychic Powers]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]
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* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
* [[Non-Elemental]]: The Alolan Meowth line can also learn normal type moves.
* [[Palette Swap]]
Alolan Grimer, Alolan Muk
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* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
* [[Non-Elemental]]: When Alolan Grimer and Muk levels up, he can learns some normal types.
* [[Palette Swap]]
* [[Poisonous Person|Poisonous Pokemon]]
* [[Technicolor Toxin]]: Both Grimer and Muk are brightly colored, sporting shades of dark greens, bright yellows and purples, and tinges of blues, just to rammed it home that they're very poisonous.
** As if their non-Alolan violet colors weren't enough.
Crabrawler, Crabominable ''(Makenkani, Kekenkani)''
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* [[Super Strength]]: After several centuries, Alolan Diglett became more powerful since they have to dig through volcanic rock.
** They outdo the regular digletts found in other regions.
* [[Palette Swap]]
Oricorio ''(Odoridori)''
Line 327 ⟶ 401:
* [[Making a Splash]]
* [[Master of Illusion]]: Wishiwashi calls other Wishiwashi to form a bigger, scarier fish to deter predators.
* [[Punny Name]]: Definately sounds like "Wishy washy."
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* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Toxapex's victims suffers from pain that lasts three days and three nights.
* [[Making a Splash]]
* [[Regeneration]]: Like real starfishes, Mareanie can regenerate lost limbs if they are cut off.
** It's hidden ability is "regenerator."
* [[Poisonous Person|Poisonous Pokemon]]
* [[Poisoned Weapons|Poisoned Spike]]: Mareanie uses a poisonous spike and jabs it into the head of its prey.
** Toxapex, Mareanie's evolve form, throws toxic spikes at its foes.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Craftsmen that uses Corsola branches for their art hates Mareanie and its evolve form, Toxapex, since the Pokemons eats anything Corsola.
Mudbray, Mudsdale ''(Dorobanko, Banbadoro)''
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* [[Oni]]: The late mommy marowak became a vengeful spirit.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]
* [[Palette Swap]]
* [[Playing With Fire]]
Line 386 ⟶ 469:
* : Since the males' only priority is to female salandits, even giving them most of their food. They're insanely malnourished because of this to the point that they can't evolve.
* [[One Gender Race]]: Kinda, it's only female Saladnits that can grow up to Salazzles.
** To scientists, they only find Salazzles in the wild.
* [[Playing With Fire]]
Line 416 ⟶ 499:
* [[Animate Inanimate Object]]: Its appearance is that of a Hawaiian lei.
** Subverted. Comfrey is actually a tiny Pokemon that's gathering flowers to make lei necklaces.
* [[Our Fairies Are Different]]
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* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Palette Swap]]
Mimikyu ''(Mimikkyu)''
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* [[Extra Ore Dinary]]
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]
* [[Palette Swap]]
* [[Theme Naming]]: They have "Sand" in their names.
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'''Anaconda''' was a film directed by [[Luis Llosa]] and the screenplay was written by Hans Bauer, which came out during 1997, and spawn four sequels.
The first film follows, Terri Flores, and her friends to the Amazon rainforest to shoot her first [[Discovery Channel]] documentary on a mysterious tribe that lives in the inner recesses of South America. There they found and rescued Paul Serone, who was stranded in a boat during raining season. Unbeknownest, Serone has an ulterior motive. This sparked off a series of sequels, starting with "[[Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid]]." And a remake in the works.
{{tropelist|''Anaconda'' (1997) provides examples of:}}
* [[Absurdly Ineffective Barricade]]: Danny Trejo's poacher uses his hammer to build a barricade on the door to keep the out. But the snake came from below the deck, and broke through the wooden planks.
* [[All-Star Cast]]: [[Jennifer Lopez]], [[Jon Voight]], [[Ice Cube]], [[Eric Stoltz]], [[Owen Wilson]], and [[Kari Wuhrer]]. Yeesh.
* [[The Amazon]]
* [[Badass Adorable]]: To Paul Sarone, the baby anacondas are these.
Line 841 ⟶ 926:
* [[Badass Preacher]]: According to Paul Sarone, he was training to be one, hence it's why he's in the Amazon. It's for his religious studies.
* [[Badass Spaniard]]: Paul Sarone.
* {{Spoiler|[[Evil Poacher]]}}
* [[Smug Snake]]: Sarone, full stop.
Line 907 ⟶ 992:
* [[Badass Preacher]]: Father Perez does sermons and fights Assassins.
* [[Blade Onon Aa Stick]]: His pilgrim's staff.
* [[Blind Obedience]]
: His blind beliefs for the Templar Cause matches his beliefs about God.
Line 988 ⟶ 1,073:
Before the Epic Games Store got its rework, Sergey Galyonkin, who also ran Steam Spy as a hobby, also learned what developers want to get out of Epic Games' launcher/digital store.
[[Allegedly freeFree gameGame|allegedlyAllegedly freeFree gamesGames]]: Epic Games offers free games, though some of them follow a rotation time that's similar to how Playstation Network.
[[Digital Distribution]]
[[DRM]]: It's a client launcher.
[[Expy]]: Of [[GOG]] mostly.
** Subverted a bit, since some games that EGS sell, like Boarderlands 3, have an extra DRM or two.
[[Game Breaking Bug|Game Breaking Bugs]]: Too many to count, like:
** Most of the launcher.
** During their first sale, one guy can't go gungho and go on a bonanza shopping spree, except for five games. His account got banned.
** The lack of features is so lacking that Gear Box has to build some of the features for BL3, like the pre-loading ability.
* [[Going Mobile]]: The digital client store will be eventually making its big debut in the mobile scene.
** Though with the same challenging the status quo.
* [[Lady Not-Appearing-In-This-Game|Lady Not-Appearing-In-This-Store-Launcher]]: Time Sweeney states that the likes of certain games that has content, like [[Ecchi]], [[Hentai]], and the like WON'T be sold in the launcher.
* [[Idiot Programming]]: See Game Breaking Bugs:
* [[Indie Game|Indie Games]]
* [[Swiss Cheeses Security]]: There were reports by some gamers that their accounts have been hacked by some guy in Ukraine or Mongolia, now this was a problem that was persistent back when the launcher sold only first party titles.
* [[No Export for You]]: [[Up to the Eleven]], on this one.
* [[Obliviously Evil]]: Some gamers see Tim Sweeney's boasts that his launcher will save PC gaming. When it made things more difficult for pc gaming, actual competition, and other launchers as a whole, like:
** Dismissing the Mac OS and Linux gaming scene (Tim compared installing a Mac and Linux as moving to Canada when US elections don't go a voter's way).
* [[Vanilla Edition]]: After comparing to other launchers/digital distribution stores (i.e. [[Uplay]], [[Steam]], [[GOG]], and the great grandma, [[Blizzard Battle.Net]]), the Epic Games Store is essentially basically bare bones.
** Though they say that they have a roadmap where they'll add the much needed features, like achievements. That way they can catch up with their older and more experience cousins.
Idiot Programming: See Game Breaking Bugs:
category: microsoft windows, mac OS, other sites, website, video game culture
Indie Game|Indie Games
== Epic Games Store Memes ==
Swiss Cheeses Security: There were reports by some gamers that their accounts have been hacked by some guy in Ukraine or Mongolia, now this was a problem that was persistent back when the launcher sold only first party titles.
* The lack of a shopping cart.
No Export for You: Up to the Eleven, on this one.
*** Which is irony, since the rest of Epic Games' other stores, like the Unreal Engine, have shopping carts that allows multiple purchases.
** [[Fortnite|V-Bucks]], third-party companies love getting these.
Obliviously Evil: Some gamers see Tim Sweeney's boasts that his launcher will save PC gaming. When it made things more difficult for pc gaming, actual competition, and other launchers as a whole, like:
** "70%/30% cut"
** Dismissing the Mac OS and Linux gaming scene (Tim compared installing a Mac and Linux as moving to Canada when US elections don't go a voter's way).
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Averted, those against Epic Games Store took to calling Tim Sweeney "Timmy Tencent".
Vanilla Edition: After comparing to other launchers/digital distribution stores (i.e. Uplay, Steam, GOG, and the great grandma, Blizzard Battle.Net), the Epic Games Store is essentially basically bare bones.
** Due to Tencent owning 40% EGS stock.
** Though they say that they have a roadmap where they'll add the much needed features, like achievements.
category: microsoft windows, mac OS, other sites, website, video game culture
== Epic Games Store YMMV ==
* [[Bad Liar]]: Some gamers see Tim Sweeney as this, due to his contradicting Tweets.
* Accesended Meme: The lack of a shopping cart.
* [[Bait and Switch]]: How some games managed to leap from other digital stores to EGS.
*** Which is irony, since the rest of Epic Games' other stores, like the Unreal Engine, have shopping carts that allows multiple purchases.
** Some of these games did their leaping at last minute before their debut.
** Fortnite|V-Bucks, third-party companies love getting these.
* [[Broken Base]]: The new launcher became like this to the larger pc gaming community, when Epic Games began doing shady methods to obtain exclusives.
** A bit subverted, since the launcher was like this long before it decided to upgrade.
* Critical Dissonance: Sites, like Polygon, Kotaku, and the mainstream gaming news sites rejoiced that Epic Games will be "competing" against Steam and sticking it to gamers. Whereas gamers hate these sites for their dishonesty.
* [[Critical Dissonance]]: Sites, like Polygon, Kotaku, and the mainstream gaming news sites rejoiced that the Epic Games Store will be "competing" against Steam and sticking it to gamers (Whereas gamers hate these sites for their dishonesty and them lying and outright hatred on gamers to begin with.)
** Also, these gaming news sites hate actual gamers and rejoice in any form of censorship, including of games that they hate.
** Also, most of these mainstream gaming news sites hate actual gamers and rejoice in any form of censorship, including of games that they hate.
* Sinister Surveillance: Some of the gamers are suspicious of Tencent, who is one of Epic Games' shareholder that owns 40% of the game company alone and are concern about their influence as well as potential spying. Because Tencent is connected with China's government for to be too close for comfort.
* [[Sinister Surveillance]]: Some of the gamers are suspicious of Tencent, who is one of Epic Games' shareholder that owns 40% of the game company alone and are concern about their influence as well as potential spying. Because Tencent is connected with China's government for to be too close for comfort.
** Also, that Epic Games Store is spying on a customer's Steam friends without their consent.
* Fandumb[[Fan Dumb]]: They accused [[Steam]] of taking thirty percent cut from publishers and developers, despite this being the industry standards that tech companies use all the time, like Apple, Microsoft, Sony, and etc.
** Even forgetting or outright ignoring that other launchers, like [[GOG]],, and others existed and were chipping away at Steam long before Epic decided to make turn their launcher/client into a storefront that sells third-party games. AndBut werethe evenfandumb chippingstates awaythat at"It's only now that Steam is currently being challenge."
** Rejoicing of the lack of forums...Until they need to go do a "[[A New Hope|Help me, obiObi wanWan kenobiKenobi,...]]" in the Steam forums.
* Hatedumb:* Mainly from some console gamers, who are raised by similar practices, like third-party timed exclusives, and doesn't see why PC gamers' are worried about the creeping anti-consumer practices.
*** Subverted, that some console gamers hated pc gaming in general and are happy that a huge rival is getting shot, despite that these same anti-consumer practices will bite them in the butt in the future.
**** Some Fandumb console gamers have often accused PC gaming as a hotbed of pirates, therefore ANYONE that games on PC is an evil version of [[Watch Dogs|Aiden Pearce]] and are happy that some company is laying the smackdown of law.
* Idiot Programming: Epic has a laundry list of examples, like:
** Accusing Steam of "Not doing anything" to make PC gaming better, despite that Valve's accomplishments: like making Proton so Mac OS and Linux won't be left out, having tools for publishers/developers to make games easier, a ton of eyes to wishlist or buy games, and such.
* [[Fan of Underdog|Fans of Underdog]]: Some game publishers and companies, like Devolver Digital and Supergiant Games, release a few of their games as timed exclusive at EGS first or strictly exclusive, since they wanna assist a newcomer digital store.
* [[Idiot Programming]]: Epic has a laundry list of examples, like:
** Having a security vulnerability that allows hackers to steal the accounts of others.
** No shopping feature, especially for those who like to buy a ton of games, buying five games or more will cause the client to go bonkers.
* [[Internet Backdraft]]
* [[It Got Worse]]: It madeincreased the Publishers and Gamers have an "Us vs. Them" mentality (More than usual), since publishers and some devs think that gamers don't understand the hard work it is to make games, the blood, toil, and management. While gamers see some of those that jump to Epic Games Store as those who would break their promises and are regarded as dishonest scumbags.
** It made gamers not trust indie companies' crowdfunding projects, due to the last minute switching and broken promises.
* [[Doesn't Trust Those Guys]]: Some gamers don't even trust Epic Games at all, since the company already displays tone deafness andor worst, clueless. Since they made an idiot comment about pc gaming back in the day, were the game company blames most or all of them for piracy when one of their games had low sells.
** See the "It got worst" example with indie game companies.
* No OSHA Compliance: Mainly the game devs that works on Fortnite are submitted to this, by the higher ups.
** It gets worst during crunch times.
* To some gamers, Epic Games just:
** In May 18, 2010, Blame piracy on low sales in the past and hypocritically stated that they will never support PC gaming or gamers that play on PC. Since in their minds those that play games on PC are pirates...No matter what.
** Ruining their games, like [[Unreal Tournament]] and Fortnite, made worst by an interview that Epic Games doesn't know what to do with them or adding updates that the community didn't ask for, rending their games unplayable/unfun, or worst outright anti-consumer.
** Crippling the Mac and Linux gaming scene, mainly because Tim Sweeney hates the niche group.
** Killing off games with high potential, like [[Paragons (video game)|Paragons]] (an [[Overwatch]] clone), because of greed and "You outlive your usefulness."
* [[Snake Oil Salesman]]: Tim Sweeney comes across as this to those being critical of the new Epic Games Store.
** Some developers and publishers are view as this, like Deep Silver and the , who handled the [[Shemnue 3]] Kickstarter, they promised their customers a release at digital stores, like in GOG. But at last minute, jumped to Epic Games Store.
*** The Ooblets developers and publishers, who are hostile against customers to the point that they called them "Gamers<sup>TM</sup>"
* Some indie developers and publishers jumped into Epic Games Store, because:
** Steam is so clogged up with tons of video games, including asset flips, that their own games will get buried underneath.
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** They made a deal already and released their game(s) first in Epic Games Store.
** It's a change of circumstances, like that wonderful game that's in the works will die without the V-Bucks and deal, the indie company also explained to customers why they're going to switch and can't keep their promises.
* [[Playful Hacker|Playful Pirates]]: Some gamers who would otherwise not pirate or quit pirating, since there's good storefronts to buy games from, began to pirate or return to the practice due to Epic Games doing taking the "No Export for You" tooextreme seriouslyway, their trust with certain video game companies was broken/, so they use pirating as a form of boycotting, Epic Games' regional pricing is too much for them to afford (Even though EG is working to fix that somehow), or the game doesn't work or worse, the Epic Games Store launcher won't work as intended.
** Somewhat subverted, Some gamers are just pirating and waiting for the timed exclusivity to end, so they can buy it from the storefront of their choice.
* Protagonist[[Obliviously Journey to VillainEvil]]: Some gamers see EpicTim GamesSweeney's andboasts thethat EGShis controversylauncher aswill ThePC companygaming. usedWhen toit bemade awesomethings andmore producingdifficult memorablefor titlespc gaming, butactual nowcompetition, it'sand aother shadowlaunchers ofas itsa formerwhole,
** Dismissing the Mac OS and Linux gaming scene (Tim compared installing a Mac and Linux as moving to Canada when US elections don't go a voter's way).
*** Epic Games Store outright bought Kamu, the company that created Easy Anti-Cheat, while they are in the midst of working with [[Valve]] to make the anti-cheat compatible with Proton.
* [[Protagonist Journey to Villain]]: Some gamers see Epic Games and the EGS controversy as this. The company used to be awesome and producing memorable titles are now a shadow of its former self.
* Some gamers took issues about the Epic Games Store roadmap, for example they were told that certain features would be available sooner and fully implemented. But these features are in beta-form or not available at all.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: To some gamers see a few of those who would defend Epic Games Store as spoiled children (and manchildren) who love Fortnite...A bit too much. It doesn't aid Epic Games in the slightest that their game has a similar babysitter status that [[Call of Duty]] use to have.
** Worst is that the Fortnite fanbase has a rather infamous reputation.
* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]: Some gamers root for EGS, due to hoping that their favorite game companies can get all the dough that they need to continue making games regardless of what it takes.
* Other gamers decided to wait for the timed exclusive to be release in the client of their choice.
* Some gamers outright refuses to support ANY Epic Games Store timed exclusives whether they broke their promises or whether they are pro-consumer.
* Others even went to not supporting games that uses the Unreal Engine as well, which causes other game companies to be caught in the controversial crossfires.
** Some of these went to communicate to their favorite companies and offer suggestions of which engine to use, like the Godot engine, an open source engine that can equal the UE.
* Other gamers that are boycotting Epic Games Store ONLY use the launcher to nab them free games.
* Some gamers hated Epic Games Store long before the hate became popular, due to Epic Games not fixing their store's security problems and other damaging issues. - This is before the EGS began selling third-party games.
** Some hated EGS since they killed off
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== Fortnite/YMMV ==
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Some of the fans of Fortnite are quick to call other games, even other games from the Battle Royale genre, as horrible. To them Fortnite is the [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]], who can do no wrong.
** Epic Games even mocks and makes fun of these rabid fans...Even in their own game.
* [[Hate Dumb]]
** Averted, other fandom communities, like those from [[Overwatch]] and [[Team Fortress 2]], to name a few, made the "Let's kill Fortnite" meme AND with good reasons.
*** It's mainly due to some of the fans being toxic, rude, and spoiled, even outright bullying those who don't play or bully other Fortnite fans that criticize the game's flaws and short comings. Also, [[Noodle Incident|Noodle Incidents]], like some popular YTers running scams, committing egregious scandals (i.e. Jake Paul and Suicide Forest), and even injuring others, like this kid who hurt her Dad for taking her XBone in order to get her to take a break.
* [[No OSHA Compliance]]: Mainly the game devs that works on [[Fortnite]] are submitted to this, by the higher ups.
** It gets worst during crunch times.
*** Also, game devs that used to work at another Epic Games game gets relocated to work on Fortnite.
* [[Parental Neglect]]: Some Fortnite fans are disappointed that Epic Games is woefully neglecting the story mode by not giving it love, like much needed updates and tweaks, and focusing ONLY on the Battle Royale part.
== Fortnite/Memes ==
* The [ Fortnite Anthem]
* The "Let's kill Fortnite" that was made by haters, who have good reasons to criticize some of the [[Fandumb|rabid fans]] and its horrible community.
** Also, the controversy involving [[Epic Games Store]], Epic Games' latest endevour, just gave them more fuel to extend this meme.
== In-Game Currency ==
Line 1,138 ⟶ 1,264:
=== Miho ===
Voiced By: [[Laura Miro]]
Line 1,174 ⟶ 1,300:
''' Bon Festival (Useful Notes)'''
== Bon Festival (Useful Notes)==
The Bon Festival, also known as ''Obon'', ''Festival of Lanterns'', or the ''Festival for the Spirits of the Dead'', is a Japanese holiday that's similar to Mexico's ''Day of the Dead''. The holiday lasts a week commemorating and honoring the dead, especially the ancestors, due to the Buddhist beliefs that the spirits and ghosts of love will come to visit the world of the living, mainly to revist the household altars. These week long holidays were celebrated for approximately 500 years, though the holiday itself is now different. - For example, those the celebrators began using floating lanterns. Various Japanese regions that observe this holiday vary, and now the Bon Festival is celebrated internationally.