Vagrant Story/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Whether or not she's 'evil' depends on how much of the Iocan church information on her you take as truth. Which, given the nature of the game...
* [[Game Breaker]]: Absorb Damage. Absorb Magic. Raging Ache. Have fun. Want proof? [ Here]'s a guy finishing the game in under two hours.
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: Aside from actual bats (which are easy to dispatch), the Imp and Gargoyle enemies are horrendously difficult to hit with anything but crossbows, wield high-level magic, and are tiny and fast.
** Really? The Soul Kiss dagger (piercing weapon, high Light affinity if you whack enough zombies with it) seems to do the trick just fine. Also, Vulcan Lance.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Sydney {{spoiler|although he could not prevent Guildenstern from taking the power of Lea Monde at the end.}}
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: The enemies called "Quicksilver". You meet them in the Undercity, which is dark, damp and claustrophobic. Then you suddenly hear giggling and [[Creepy Doll|large dolls resembling children]] stumble towards you, holding knives. In fact, the in-game monster manual says that these dolls are possessed by [[Creepy Child|the souls of dead children]]. If that is nothing to you, then the variety in the Iron Maiden sub dungeon will make you squeem.