Not to call you a coward, master, but, sometimes, cowards do survive.

Starscream, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Exit stage Crowley.

Crowley, Supernatural 6x22

[Y]ou really have to wonder if it's worth going after the villain sometimes. Surely sometimes the heroes would rather just go home and take a hot bath, right? Maybe have a beer, watch the game, let the other heroes or even, god forbid, the police deal with the villain for once.

David Anez, Bob and George Strip #161 commentary

WAM DIE ORCHIMAUR! and he fell down as my dragon spirit roared and spit at hom. he was hurt but he didnt kno want 2 do so he left. "thats right FUCK U PUSSY U RUN LIKE A BBY GIRLIE!" i scroared.

Many games have recurring villains. Sometimes these are minor enemies that you enjoy fighting, sometimes they’re an incredibly powerful boss that tests you then lets you live for inscrutable reasons, and sometimes its because they are very, very hard to kill. Shane was one of the latter sort and he was the most infuriating and unsatisfying enemy I’ve ever fought, because he had just about the best survival trait an evil character can have. He wasn’t invincible, he wasn’t prescient, he didn’t have some magical immortality, he didn’t even have some sort of amazingly competent henchman. What Shane had was Cowardice.

You may complain about how the villain is monologuing too much, or how he's too strong to fight, or how his behavior makes no sense. But take it from me, it's far preferable to an enemy that just fucking runs away the second you get close