W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Headscratchers.WITCH 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Headscratchers.WITCH, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Revision as of 01:42, 4 December 2013

  • We know that the Heart of Kandrakar cannot be taken by force, but only given over by the keeper. Therefore, before Cassidy got the Heart, Nerissa had to give it of her own free will. And if she did, how can the whole story about how Nerissa became corrupted and killed Cassidy because of jealosy make any sense? Either this is a plot hole, or the story the WITCH girls are told is a kind of Jedi Truth.
    • Not really. The comics make it obvious that The Oracle can take it. The only reason Phobos failed was because while he was technically the Oracle, he had not yet been given the full powers. The backstory of the Oracle position also supports this- the first Oracle chose guardians.
      • Well, maybe I just forgot. Would you please remind what was the issue where it is stated that the Oracle could take the Heart? As for chosing Guardians, I used to think that the team of Guardians is supposed to resign sooner or later, and only then their successors are chosen.
        • I reread the part and apparently, not even the Oracle can TAKE it. The Heart can however decide to leave on it's own, given a better choice. It's a living thinking thing. Likely what happened with Cassidy.
    • And then, another thing bugs me: if the Oracle actually *could* take the Heart against Nerissa's will, why didn't he do it again when she returned to storm the fortress? He tried using Resonance, he sent the Guardians to fight, he started some ritual... but why, if he could just get the Heart, leaving Nerissa virtually powerless?
      • http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlotInducedStupidity. The Oracle could've teleported her into the sun, crushed with sheer mental powers(which actually is in 100000 ton range), wiped her memory, realitywarped her into nothingness. Heck, he could've done this to any villain. And apparently, after rereading things, he couldn't take it away. Doesn't stop him from teleporting her into the sun though, as he's teleported Will against her will even when she had the heart. The Oracle is more powerful than even Elyon, who can purge an entire planet of evil within seconds. Arguably justified that he doesn't, he's not supposed to take action. The council as a whole however is allowed to do so.
        • And he could have done all this thing years ago, before Nerissa even were able to kill Cassidy. I remember Cassidy saying the Oracle let her die because they all played some role... Well, maybe the whole plot - from the moment Nerissa got corrupted and till her final battle with WITCH girls - was the Oracle's Xanatos Gambit of some sort? He wanted Nerissa to become what she became because he needed such an enemy for some reason?
          • Of course, there is the age-old adage that says "power corrupts" with a bonus feature of "absolute power corrupts absolutely." We know that the figure of the Oracle is meant to be not so much an active leader as it is a placeholder for it. The Oracle is all-powerful, sure, but he is a figurehead because if the Oracle was to be corrupted, everything would go way, way South, hence, the "figure" is embedded with a non-interference policy. My take, anyway.
  • This is gonna sound like a strange question but...Taranee's hair when she transforms. WHAT THE HELL?! First off, none of the other girls' hair really seems to change. So why does her hair change? And why that style? I dunno but it just personally bugged me because I think her civilian hair style is adorable, but that weird...WHATEVER the hell that is...just doesn't flatter her adorable face!
    • I think it's for the same reason Will's guardian form is more endowed than the older version of Will. Probably she just likes that hair but her mom won't let her.
    • I always thought it signified her repression as she tried to be a "good girl" and the hair was indicative of her desire to break away and be independent (it's more for Wild Mass Guessing but that's my take).