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** Oliver is on trial for murder. Even though he deliberately intended to kill Prometheus and deliberately sought the man out after the murder of his granddaughter, Oliver is still a law enforcement agent (as a JLA member, he has comparable status) shooting a felon who had just ''nuked a city'' and who was on his feet, facing Ollie, armed... Given that Prometheus has taken on entire JLA lineups and won, Oliver facing him alone is most definitely "in legitimate fear for his life". It's still justifiable homicide even though Ollie ''would have'' killed Prometheus even if he had surrendered, because that's not how it happened. The worst he should have faced is being dismissed from the JLA for deliberately violating policy in pursuing the guy for vengeance, alone.
** Oliver is on trial for murder. Even though he deliberately intended to kill Prometheus and deliberately sought the man out after the murder of his granddaughter, Oliver is still a law enforcement agent (as a JLA member, he has comparable status) shooting a felon who had just ''nuked a city'' and who was on his feet, facing Ollie, armed... Given that Prometheus has taken on entire JLA lineups and won, Oliver facing him alone is most definitely "in legitimate fear for his life". It's still justifiable homicide even though Ollie ''would have'' killed Prometheus even if he had surrendered, because that's not how it happened. The worst he should have faced is being dismissed from the JLA for deliberately violating policy in pursuing the guy for vengeance, alone.
** Oliver killed Prometheus ''in the Ghost Zone'', where Prometheus's dimensional hideout was. How on Earth does a Star City criminal court have jurisdiction? The crime didn't even occur on Earth!
** Oliver killed Prometheus ''in the Ghost Zone'', where Prometheus's dimensional hideout was. How on Earth does a Star City criminal court have jurisdiction? The crime didn't even occur on Earth!
*** Actually, the US court system still gets involved because criminal offenses involving United States citizens (such as Ollie) that take place in territory claimed by no other sovereign nation are by US law presumed to fall within US jurisdiction by default. The problem here is that this would mean the trial should be taking place in US ''Federal'' Court, not a California state court.
** Another comics writer fails law school forever. The jury finds Oliver ''not guilty'', and yet ''the judge still sentences him''. And the sentence? ''Exile from Star City!'' That sentence doesn't even exist in American law! Being barred from living in a specific city, or being forced to live in a specific city, can be a condition of parole or probation, but not a stand-alone judicial sentencing!
** Another comics writer fails law school forever. The jury finds Oliver ''not guilty'', and yet ''the judge still sentences him''. And the sentence? ''Exile from Star City!'' That sentence doesn't even exist in American law! Being barred from living in a specific city, or being forced to live in a specific city, can be a condition of parole or probation, but not a stand-alone judicial sentencing!
*** To further explain why the part about the jury would be a wallbanger a judge in the United States ''cannot'' discard or ignore a verdict from the jury of "not guilty" unless he can prove that a juror or jurors have been bribed, and even then the only thing he can do is declare a mistrial and have the case tried again from scratch with a different jury.
*** To further explain why the part about the jury would be a wallbanger a judge in the United States ''cannot'' discard or ignore a verdict from the jury of "not guilty" unless he can prove that a juror or jurors have been bribed, and even then the only thing he can do is declare a mistrial and have the case tried again from scratch with a different jury.