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** It gets even worse in the New Mutants series. Illyana Rasputin, aka Magik, had previously stolen a part of New X-Men Pixie's soul during a New X-Men arc where Belasco had kidnapped the New X-Men and trapped them in Limbo. During the X-Infernus event, Pixie loses another piece of her soul to Belasco's daughter; everyone ignores the traumatized girl who just had part of her soul ripped out and only focuses on Magik. Later, Magik shows up on Earth, having escaped from Limbo, and the rest of the New Mutants welcome her back with open arms. When Pixie's teammates are understandably upset at this, the New Mutants claim, "She deserves to be here more than you do." Yeah, and Magik is laughing about it right in front of them. Once again, the New X-Men are treated like whiny children for ''daring'' to be upset at the girl who stole part of their friend's soul being welcomed back with open arms. Face meet palm.
** It gets even worse in the New Mutants series. Illyana Rasputin, aka Magik, had previously stolen a part of New X-Men Pixie's soul during a New X-Men arc where Belasco had kidnapped the New X-Men and trapped them in Limbo. During the X-Infernus event, Pixie loses another piece of her soul to Belasco's daughter; everyone ignores the traumatized girl who just had part of her soul ripped out and only focuses on Magik. Later, Magik shows up on Earth, having escaped from Limbo, and the rest of the New Mutants welcome her back with open arms. When Pixie's teammates are understandably upset at this, the New Mutants claim, "She deserves to be here more than you do." Yeah, and Magik is laughing about it right in front of them. Once again, the New X-Men are treated like whiny children for ''daring'' to be upset at the girl who stole part of their friend's soul being welcomed back with open arms. Face meet palm.
*** Think it couldn't possibly get worse when it comes to the X-Kids and Magik? Think again. After the Purifiers mess up her teleportation ability, Magik—or rather, a demonic copy of her that Warlock has already ''warned the leaders isn't the real Magik''—is pulled back into Limbo. After Colossus goes completely berserk over this, Cyclops agrees that they need all the teleporters they can get and says they'll get her back. How do they plan to do this? By forcing ''Pixie,'' who has a legitimate beef with Magik, to be the transport for a team to get her. Unfortunately, she is {{spoiler|their ''sole remaining teleporter'': Ariel and Nightcrawler are both dead, the X-Men booted out Cloak because he was a science-based mutate, and Vanisher has, um, vanished}}. And to top it off, Sam chews out Anole and Trance for siding with Pixie when she initially refused to go. Hey, grownups? When the kids you're ''supposed to be protecting and teaching'' have come to the conclusion that you'd let them die in a ditch to save a ''fake, evil copy'' of one of your own, and they might well be correct -- ''you're doing the 'protecting mutantkind' thing wrong!''
*** Think it couldn't possibly get worse when it comes to the X-Kids and Magik? Think again. After the Purifiers mess up her teleportation ability, Magik—or rather, a demonic copy of her that Warlock has already ''warned the leaders isn't the real Magik''—is pulled back into Limbo. After Colossus goes completely berserk over this, Cyclops agrees that they need all the teleporters they can get and says they'll get her back. How do they plan to do this? By forcing ''Pixie,'' who has a legitimate beef with Magik, to be the transport for a team to get her. Unfortunately, she is {{spoiler|their ''sole remaining teleporter'': Ariel and Nightcrawler are both dead, the X-Men booted out Cloak because he was a science-based mutate, and Vanisher has, um, vanished}}. And to top it off, Sam chews out Anole and Trance for siding with Pixie when she initially refused to go. Hey, grownups? When the kids you're ''supposed to be protecting and teaching'' have come to the conclusion that you'd let them die in a ditch to save a ''fake, evil copy'' of one of your own, and they might well be correct -- ''you're doing the 'protecting mutantkind' thing wrong!''
** Kyle and Yost busted out with their own [[Wall Banger]] at the start of their run on the series. Following the vast majority of mutants getting depowered (for the heinous editorial crime of having too large a population numbering about half the number of colorblind people in the world), the X-men are handed a big ol' [[Idiot Ball]] and proceed to boot all the depowered students out of the school without protection so they can be blown up by rockets, and then leave the school undefended so a few more students can be killed. What was the plot reason for this? ''The writers didn't know what to do with the characters''. You know, the characters they ''already'' [[Put on a Bus]]. Expect a few [[Back From the Dead|Back From The Deads]] in ten years.
** Kyle and Yost busted out with their own [[Wall Banger]] at the start of their run on the series. Following the vast majority of mutants getting depowered (for the heinous editorial crime of having too large a population numbering about half the number of colorblind people in the world), the X-men are handed a big ol' [[Idiot Ball]] and proceed to boot all the depowered students out of the school without protection so they can be blown up by rockets, and then leave the school undefended so a few more students can be killed. What was the plot reason for this? ''The writers didn't know what to do with the characters''. You know, the characters they ''already'' [[Put on a Bus]]. Expect a few [[Back from the Dead|Back From The Deads]] in ten years.
*** Then this follows up with Cyclops shutting the whole place down and sending all the kids home, when in reality they were just moving the team to San Francisco and would get the kids later. So why not just bring the kids with them in the first place?! Mutants are almost all gone, you'd think Cyclops and all X-Men would make sure to try to keep the few remaining young mutants left in the world as safe as possible! This leads into Trance going back to the parents who hate her and getting kidnapped by a duo of villains and needing to be rescued by Wolverine. Even worse, it leads into the first story arc of the horrid Young X-Men, where Donald Pierce, disguised as Cyclops, recruits four of these young ex-students (and some guy named Ink) and tricks them into taking down some of the New Mutants. Let's ignore the fact that two of these kids could have probably recognized a cyborg in the room, cloaking device or not, and focus on one of these kids, namely Nicholas Gleason, better known as Wolf Cub. Despite seldom getting any time in the comics, for those who paid attention, he was one of the youngest mutants remaining on the entire planet, and was a rather naive and impressionable kid, with examples being his believing Rockslide's ludicrous stories, and later on trying to act like Wolverine, right down to the speech patterns, and as the series chugged along, we saw he was really not the tough guy he was trying to be and was still just a sensible young teen. So who ends up dead in Young X-Men? Yup, Wolf Cub. One of the kids Cyclops sent back home. Except that Wolf Cub was an orphan (with hints that his parents were murdered), and he first came into Xavier's because Chamber and freaking Cyclops himself were the ones who rescued him from some mutant haters who were trying to kill him! Way to go, Cyclops, kick out a kid no older than 14 years old, one of the youngest of the very few mutants remaining on the planet, whom you know is an orphan and has no place to go, let him fend for himself in a world that mostly hates his kind, don't keep tabs on him or most of the other kids, all cause you want to play sullen hero that returns with big fanfare in a new city! The kids will be just fine in the meantime, but oops, sorry, Nicholas is dead now. Freaking eye-blasting moron, leader my ass...
*** Then this follows up with Cyclops shutting the whole place down and sending all the kids home, when in reality they were just moving the team to San Francisco and would get the kids later. So why not just bring the kids with them in the first place?! Mutants are almost all gone, you'd think Cyclops and all X-Men would make sure to try to keep the few remaining young mutants left in the world as safe as possible! This leads into Trance going back to the parents who hate her and getting kidnapped by a duo of villains and needing to be rescued by Wolverine. Even worse, it leads into the first story arc of the horrid Young X-Men, where Donald Pierce, disguised as Cyclops, recruits four of these young ex-students (and some guy named Ink) and tricks them into taking down some of the New Mutants. Let's ignore the fact that two of these kids could have probably recognized a cyborg in the room, cloaking device or not, and focus on one of these kids, namely Nicholas Gleason, better known as Wolf Cub. Despite seldom getting any time in the comics, for those who paid attention, he was one of the youngest mutants remaining on the entire planet, and was a rather naive and impressionable kid, with examples being his believing Rockslide's ludicrous stories, and later on trying to act like Wolverine, right down to the speech patterns, and as the series chugged along, we saw he was really not the tough guy he was trying to be and was still just a sensible young teen. So who ends up dead in Young X-Men? Yup, Wolf Cub. One of the kids Cyclops sent back home. Except that Wolf Cub was an orphan (with hints that his parents were murdered), and he first came into Xavier's because Chamber and freaking Cyclops himself were the ones who rescued him from some mutant haters who were trying to kill him! Way to go, Cyclops, kick out a kid no older than 14 years old, one of the youngest of the very few mutants remaining on the planet, whom you know is an orphan and has no place to go, let him fend for himself in a world that mostly hates his kind, don't keep tabs on him or most of the other kids, all cause you want to play sullen hero that returns with big fanfare in a new city! The kids will be just fine in the meantime, but oops, sorry, Nicholas is dead now. Freaking eye-blasting moron, leader my ass...
* ''[[Runaways]]'' #11 had Victor [[Digital Piracy Is Evil|using a neighbour's Wi-Fi to illegally download music]]; this causes a plane to crash into their house, {{spoiler|killing Old Lace}}. [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin']] doesn't even begin to cover this, [[Don't Shoot the Message|even if you think piracy is wrong]].
* ''[[Runaways]]'' #11 had Victor [[Digital Piracy Is Evil|using a neighbour's Wi-Fi to illegally download music]]; this causes a plane to crash into their house, {{spoiler|killing Old Lace}}. [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin']] doesn't even begin to cover this, [[Don't Shoot the Message|even if you think piracy is wrong]].
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## Ray Palmer was needed for multiversal travel along with Ryan Choi, '''not''' to combat some sentient, mutative virus.
## Ray Palmer was needed for multiversal travel along with Ryan Choi, '''not''' to combat some sentient, mutative virus.
** And oh, how they screwed up the Monitors! But to ensure you have a nice dent in your wall (assuming you have a trade paperback of "Countdown" on hand), here is the kicker: Dan Didio '''hated''' ''52'' and demanded ''Countdown'' be more [[Executive Meddling|editorially mandated]]. He once proudly stated that "Countdown is 52 done right".
** And oh, how they screwed up the Monitors! But to ensure you have a nice dent in your wall (assuming you have a trade paperback of "Countdown" on hand), here is the kicker: Dan Didio '''hated''' ''52'' and demanded ''Countdown'' be more [[Executive Meddling|editorially mandated]]. He once proudly stated that "Countdown is 52 done right".
*** *ahem* [[Angrish|AAAAAA]][[Go Mad From the Revelation|AAAAAAAAAA]][[Heroic BSOD|AAAAAAAAAAAAA]][[Overly Long Gag|AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH]]
*** *ahem* [[Angrish|AAAAAA]][[Go Mad from the Revelation|AAAAAAAAAA]][[Heroic BSOD|AAAAAAAAAAAAA]][[Overly Long Gag|AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH]]
* ''[[Amazons Attack]]'': Even though it's supposed to be a ''[[Wonder Woman]]'' comic, she's barely in it; she only appears in two pages in the first issue. The Amazons are turned into [[Straw Feminist]]s under the command of Queen Hippolyta, even though she herself dissolved the monarchy and voluntarily stepped down. They invade America to rescue Diana, who they believe is being held prisoner by the government. But not only do they believe this because Circe, a long-time enemy of the Amazons, told them this; but also, when Diana turns up safe and sound, they keep invading. Continuity is shot to hell; the scale of the Amazon invasion and the amount of time it takes changes constantly. And there's the most memorable line:
* ''[[Amazons Attack]]'': Even though it's supposed to be a ''[[Wonder Woman]]'' comic, she's barely in it; she only appears in two pages in the first issue. The Amazons are turned into [[Straw Feminist]]s under the command of Queen Hippolyta, even though she herself dissolved the monarchy and voluntarily stepped down. They invade America to rescue Diana, who they believe is being held prisoner by the government. But not only do they believe this because Circe, a long-time enemy of the Amazons, told them this; but also, when Diana turns up safe and sound, they keep invading. Continuity is shot to hell; the scale of the Amazon invasion and the amount of time it takes changes constantly. And there's the most memorable line:
{{quote|[[Narm|"Bees. My God."]]}}
{{quote|[[Narm|"Bees. My God."]]}}