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*** "Here's the title deeds to the White House. Congratulations, T'Chaka, you are now the President of the United States of America." That's about it.
*** It is possible that T'Chaka took this stand because of how Western governments tend to treat non-Western civilizations—Wakanda no doubt had noticed what happened to nations in Darkest Africa that traded with white men. But if Wakanda is ''ahead'' of them... well, there's still a risk, but it's considerably lower than usual....
*** It's still rude and arrogant for T'Chaka to accept an invitation to a trade summit and then make his sole reason for attending the desire to insult every other participant in the discussion. If Wakanda didn't want to risk selling any foreignvibranium trade- which to be fair they historically didn't, and have every right not to do - then they should have simply sent the damn invitation back with a diplomatic note reading, 'Wakanda's foreign trade policy is as follows: we don't want any. Thank you and good day.'
*** At one point in the storyline one of T'Challa's ministers suggests releasing the cure for cancer to the world in exchange for the US' cooperation in extraditing T'Chaka's murderer, which is at least a reasonable if not very charitable position. His idea is argued down on the grounds that "They would just weaponize it, as they weaponize everything." First off, the mind boggles at how a cure for cancer could be weaponized into anything comparable to or worse than the WMDs the US government already has. Second off, that is not an argument against agreeing to at the minimum let cancer patients untreatable by any other means be allowed to see Wakandan doctors under Wakandan supervision. The sheer lack of empathy here is astounding; every single living soul in the 'Western' (read: non-Wakandan) world is treated as a black box to be either placated or threatened in return for receiving what rewards Wakanda might want to receive from them, and otherwise ignored. At no point does even the most charitable Wakandan minister in the council discussion act like they might be talking about ''other people'' who actually have feelings and suffer and die and could be helped.
** Elevating Wakanda, which was previously on par with the rest of the world technologically until T'Challa took the throne, into a [[Mary Suetopia]] that has been light-years ahead of the rest of the world, including that cure for cancer that they won't share.