Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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Once he returned, however, the Scourge had already taken over Lordaeron, and so he led the remnants of the Silver Hand against the Scourge. Wielding the Ashbringer, Alexandros became legendary for the number of undead he slew, leaving only ashes behind him. Tragedy struck, however, when his oldest son Renault Mograine, thinking he's [[The Unfavorite]] of the family, is manipulated by Balnazzar (in the guise of Dathrohan) into leading his father into a trap, before [[Self-Made Orphan|killing him]] with his own sword. Kel'thuzad eventually raised him as the mightiest Death Knight the Scourge had ever seen, though he was slain again, this time by his other son Darion Mograine, when he came to Naxxramas in search of his father.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Beard]]: Had a fierce red beard to match his hair.
* [[Badass Boast]]: During his [[Last Stand]] against his undead ambushers.
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Thirteen (and a half!) year old prince of Stormwind. Lately his relationship with Varian has been strained: although he loves and respects his father, he prefers a more peaceful approach to foreign relations, and does not agree with the king's more aggressive tactics. He is close with Jaina, however, and views her as a family member. He has recently started down the path to the Light.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Archer]]
* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]: When Varian went missing, Anduin was technically King, although Bolvar Fordragon acted as the official steward of the kingdom until Anduin came of age.
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While she doesn't appear in ''The Burning Crusade'', her son with Turalyon - the paladin Arator the Redeemer - does.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Action Girl]]: Since ''Warcraft II'', Alleria has been a military officer.
* [[The Archer]]
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Originally the Regent of Stormwind during the First War, Lothar led the kingdom's defence against the Horde. Despite his efforts, eventually the king was assassinated and the orcs proved victorious. Lothar, assuming command of the homeless people, led them north across the Great Sea, seeking aid. He bargained with the other human kings, and under his leadership, the Alliance of Lordaeron was founded. Lothar served as supreme commander of Alliance forces throughout the Second War. Though he laid the groundwork for their triumph, Lothar did not live to see the ultimate victory of the Alliance. He perished in the final siege of Blackrock Spire, the largest orc fortress in Azeroth. [[Retcon|Accounts of his death differ]]. In ''Warcraft II'', he approached Blackrock Spire to parley with Doomhammer and try to negotiate an orc surrender, but was ambushed by superior numbers of ogres and was murdered. In the novelisation ''Tides of Darkness'' and in the backstory of ''Warcraft III' though, no attempt at negotiation is mentioned. Instead, Lothar and Doomhammer sought each other out on the battlefield and fought an honorable duel, in which Doomhammer slew Lothar. Regardless of which version you accept, Lothar's death, instead of demoralising the Alliance army, inspired them to continue the assault and raze Blackrock Spire, breaking the back of the Horde.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Supreme Commander of the Alliance during the Second War and evidently the one with the greatest martial skill, as shown prominently in the novels.
* [[Badass Beard]]: His large bushy beard dates back to the first game.
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Leader of the Church of the Holy Light in Stormwind, and one of the foremost religious leaders of the Alliance. A student of the late Archbishop Alonsus Faol himself. As the archbishop, he appears to be a man of action, either fighting evil invaders himself or send adventurers to deal with the undead. {{spoiler|He turns out to be leader of the Twilight Hammer Cult after Cho'Gall's death, and is the Twilight Prophet spoken of by Fandral when he attacked Thrall}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: While not a physical combatant, his strength with Light and Shadow did not fade from age.
* [[Badass Preacher]]: You wouldn't think that the ''Warcraft'' equilavent to the Pope would be much of a frontline fighter, but he proves himself when he not only fights the elemental invasion of Stormwind, but also journeys to Wyrmrest in Northrend for the [[Final Battle]] in ''Cataclysm''.
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Leader of the Alliance-aligned Pandaren. Aysa embodies the Tushui monk arts, which emphasizes meditation, stoicism, rigorous training and moral convictions. These ideals draw her to the Alliance, whose values are much the same.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Blue Oni Red Oni]]: The blue to Ji's red.
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Highlord and former Regent of Stormwind in the absence of Varian Wrynn, though Anduin Wrynn was formally crowned as King. Upon Varian's return, Bolvar was named the commander of the Alliance forces sent to take the battle to the Scourge in Northrend. After the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Fordragon was {{spoiler|believed to have been}} killed, either by the Forsaken Blight or the fires of the red dragonflight. {{spoiler|It turns out that Bolvar survived, but was severely scarred by the dragons' flames and was subsequently tortured endlessly by the Lich King, to be converted into his champion. Bolvar resisted until the end, and after the death of the Lich King, he got [[Big Good|Tirion Fordring]] to pick up the Helm of Domination and crown him as the new Lich King, keeping the Scourge in check without anyone else knowing}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* {{spoiler|[[And I Must Scream]]}}: {{spoiler|See [[Heroic Sacrifice]] below}}.
* {{spoiler|[[And Then John Was a Zombie]]}}: {{spoiler|Fights the Lich King, then becomes the Lich King}}.
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Brann is renowned as the greatest adventurer in the ''Warcraft'' universe. Many of the expanded unvierse reference materials, such as the RPG books and the original previews of the zones prior to the game's launch, were done from his perspective. Expect him to show up in places involving ancient ruins, Titan artifacts and [[Eldrich Abominations|Old Gods]].
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Adventurer Archaeologist]]: An archaeologist by trade, Brann has been involved in some intense adventures in ''World of Warcraft''.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He has disappeared many times and seemingly lost in seemingly dangerous locations(such as Silithid hives and Yogg Saron's lair) only to be found alive and well days later with new discoveries. He said he never considered himself lost.
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Danath Trollbane is the nephew of King Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde. Acted as Militia Commander of Stromgarde during the Second War. During the Alliance Expedition to Outland, he served as Tactical Advisor to General Turalyon and Force Commander of the Alliance Expedition. After the Dark Portal is sealed, he is presumed deceased. Once the Dark Portal is reopened again, it turns out he has survived throughout all the years in Outland, leading Honor Hold. He has vowed to return to Stromgarde and help rebuild after he heard of the fate that has fallen on it, once he has finished his duties in Outland. As of ''Cataclysm'', with the death of [[Warrior Prince|Galen Trollbane]] and his subsequent raising as one of the Forsaken, he is the last living heir to the throne of Stromgarde, but he has yet to return from Outland.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: By the time ''The Burning Crusade'' comes around.
* [[Badass Normal]]: He's just a normal human warrior, but that doesn't prevent him from killing creatures bigger and stronger than himself.
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Noble from Gilneas, separated from his holdings by the Greymane Wall. Disagreed with Genn Greymane about leaving the Alliance after the Second War and started a rebellion against him. The rebellion failed, and Greymane threw Crowley in prison for treason. During the worgen invasion of Gilneas City, Greymane sets Crowley free, and the pair work together to evacuate the city. Crowley stays behind to create a distraction for the rampaging worgen, but gets turned into a worgen in the process. He later plays a key role against Horde players in the Silverpine Forest storyline.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: In his human form.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Punching out worgen with his bare hands before he ever got cursed should be evidence enough.
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Formerly Falstad Dragonreaver. High Thane of the Wildhammer clan and currently the Wildhammer representative on the Council of Three Hammers.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Canon Immigrant]]: Originated from ''[[Warcraft: Day of the Dragon]]''.
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In the events of the ''Stormrage'' novel, it was revealed that Fandral was in fact responsbile for poisoning Malfurion and trapping him in the Emerald Dream. He was being manipulated by a conjured image of his son: it was at the image's behest to poison Malfurion and grow Teldrassil in the first place. After the vision was broken, Fandral fell into madness and lost his mind. He has since been put under the care of the Wardens in Mount Hyjal.
In the upcoming{{when}} patch 4.1, Fandral has confirmed to be {{spoiler|a boss in the new Firelands instance, having become leader of the newly established Druids of the Flame}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: He's 9,000 years old by the time of ''[[World of Warcraft]]''.
* {{spoiler|[[The Dragon]]}}: {{spoiler|To Ragnaros, as his Majordormo}}.
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Residing in Ironforge, Mekkatorque spent years planning to retake Gnomergan from Thermaplugg. These plans came to fruition prior to the ''Cataclysm'', as he and a vast of gnomes army marched upon the city. While they were successful in recapturing the surface areas, they were unable to succeed in taking the deeper levels of the city. While still not fully content with their situation, Mekkatorque is happy with their progress, and one day hopes to have their home back fully in his grasp.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Arch Enemy]]: His [[Treacherous Advisor]] Thermaplugg who tricked him into irradiating his home {{spoiler|and thwarted his attempt to retake it by using another radiation bomb}}.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He's more of a technological bent than a physical one, but that doesn't prevent him from contributing.
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King of Gilneas and formerly one of those in the Council of the Alliance of Lordaeron, which is strictly because of [[Enemy Mine]]. He later constructed the Greymane Wall in order to isolate his kingdom from the outside. He stubbornly kept the gates shut even as refugees from the war or the Scourge desperately begged to be let in to have a place of refuge. While the wall has successfully kept the Scourge and other enemies at bay, it still did not prevent the Worgen curse from coming in where it did most of its damage. He finally agreed to rejoin the Alliance following the breach of the wall by the Horde and the help from the Night Elves in controlling the Worgen curse.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Anti-Hero]]: By the time of ''Legion'', he's described as a fierce supporter and a loyal ally to the Alliance. On the other hand, he is also very stubborn and temperamental and is willing to set aside orders given by other Alliance leaders in the pursuit of vengeance against Sylvanas.
* [[The Atoner]]: After all the things Gilneas has been put through, which he blames himself for, he decides to set things right.
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Despite quite possibly being the [[Only Sane Man|most reasonable human leader]], things never seem to go Jaina's way. Some time after the battle of Mount Hyjal the navy of Kul Tiras, led by her father, took over Theramore and pushed for renewed war with the reformed Horde. Jaina was unable to convince her father that the Horde had changed, and had to watch him die in battle against the Horde's champion Rexxar. In spite of her experience and foresight, she is very much the junior player in the modern Alliance, compared to Stormwind and its returned king Varian Wrynn. By the time of the most recent expansion, Jaina is more or less the ''sole'' Alliance leader (or at least the only one who gets any screentime) terribly interested in peace, actively defying Varian Wrynn when he seeks to wage war with the Horde.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Archmage]]: As of ''Warcraft III'', she was considered one of the most powerful living human mages (certainly the strongest female mage among humanity).
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: She just wants to study and pretty much 'fell in love with her hobby'.
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At first Medivh's apprentice, but eventually becomes one of the most powerful wizards in the world. On discovering that Medivh is possessed by Sargeras and responsible for bringing the orcs to Azeroth, Khadgar betrayed Medivh to Lothar and, together with Lothar and the half-orc Garona, slew Medivh. Unfortunately, in doing this, Medivh cursed Khadgar, then a young man, to age prematurely. The newly greybearded Khadgar went on to be the representative of [[The Magocracy|Dalaran]] to Lothar, and an advisor to Turalyon. He was ultimately the one to destroy the Dark Portal that had brought the orcs into Azeroth, ending the Second War. Afterwards, he was part of the Alliance Expedition into Draenor, where he played a key role, and destroyed the Dark Portal again, this time from the Draenor side. Khadgar reappeared in ''The Burning Crusade'', where it was revealed that he survived Draenor's destruction, made contact with the naaru, and now helps to lead the forces of good on that world.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Archmage]]: His tutelage under Medivh and extensive self-study of his master's tomes serves him well in making him one of the most accomplished human mages in history, earning him the title in the process.
* [[Badass Beard]]:
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As seen in ''Fire and Iron'', Kurdran was briefly the Wildhammer representative of the Council of Three Hammers, but gave up the position to Falstad, the current High Thane of the Wildhammer clan.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: Wields the signature stormhammer of the Wildhammer Clan.
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King of Ironforge and ruler of the Bronzebeard clan. During the Third War, when he heard of the death of his brother Muradin, {{spoiler|who turned out to be alive}}, he personally forged Ashbringer for Alexandros Mograine to fight against the Scourge. In ''Cataclysm'', he is turned to stone in an attempt to save Ironforge from the earthquakes by activating a tablet recovered from Ulduar.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ascend to a Higher Place of Existence]]: Implied in the short story ''Charge of the Aspects''. Thrall feels a presence in the mountains of Khaz Modan that is repeating the Earthen phrase Magni said before he was turned to stone.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: King of Ironforge, and can easily tear you a new one if you challenge him in combat.
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Malfurion has made his first major in-game appearance in ''Cataclysm'', aiding new Night Elf players in stopping the elemental chaos in Darkshore, and most notably being the leader of the Cenarion Circle's defence against the servants of Ragnaros in Mount Hyjal. Though he's technically aligned with the Night Elves, he recruits both Horde and Alliance players to help defend Hyjal.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Beard]]: One of the main things differentiating him from his brother is that he has one ''massive'' beard.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Malfurion and his brother Illidan.
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The daughter of Magni Bronzebeard, she was abducted by Dagran Thaurissan. Before adventurers killed her husband, she fell in love with him and became pregnant with his child. Angry with them for the death of her husband, she refused to return to Ironforge until her father was petrified, at which point she returned to claim her throne. Varian arrived to unseat her, but spared her at Anduin's request and established the Council of Three Hammers to rule until her son comes of age.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: She almost comes across as [[Affaby Evil]], but Anduin realizes that much of her politeness toward him is a facade to hide her bitterness.
* [[Brainwashed]]: Subverted hard. See [[More Than Mind Control]] below.
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* [[More Than Mind Control]]: Turns out she really did love Thaurissan and respect the Dark Iron dwarves.
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]]
* [[No, MisterMr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine]]: Has dinner with Anduin, enabling him to learn much about her true personality and motivations.
* [[Not Brainwashed]]: The big twist at the end of the storyline where you're supposed to rescue her: Thaurissan never mind controlled her, and she really did love him. She elaborates, saying that her father never respected her because he wanted a son as an heir. She fell in love with Thaurissan because he respected her.
* [[Odango Hair]]: How she plaits her hair.
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After the Shattering, with Magni being [[Taken for Granite|a bit preoccupied]], Muradin serves as the leader of Ironforge and represents the Bronzebeard dwarves on the Council of Three Hammers in Magni's place.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: Yorg Stormheart was made leader of the Frostborn Dwarves because of his ability to kick ass... giant, rock-eating, acid-spewing worm ass.
* [[Badass]]: Slay a monster while being amnesiac.
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Once a vindicator, Nobundo was one of the draenei that fought the orcs at Shattrath. He and a few others survived, but were terribly disfigured and lost their ability to contact the Light due to a mysterious demonic curse. After being exiled for fear of their condition being contagious, Nobundo was contacted by the elements of Draenor and became the first draenei Shaman. He and the other "Broken" were eventually accepted back into draenei society, and Nobundo began to instruct others in shamanism.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: The uncorrupted draenei deliberately isolate the Broken, and the adoption of shamanism ("an orcish practice") is not received well at first.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Aside from being a Broken, he seems to be somewhat arthritic, and was injured in the siege of Shattrath.
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In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', Terenas provides the ironic narration of the expansion's opening. He also plays a major part as a soul in the fall of the Lich King, where he taunts the Lich King that his end comes and {{spoiler|in the final fight, he not only helps players get freed from Frostmourne, he also ressurects the entire raid after Tirion destroys Frostmourne}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: He died in ''Warcraft III'' and provided the ironic narration for ''Wrath of the Lich King'', but beyond that, few expected him to play a role of particular importance in the present. Fast forward to the last patch of the expansion...
* [[Dead Person Conversation]]: Has one with Arthas, then much later Tirion in the final patch of ''Wrath of the Lich King''. It's also implied he regularly talks with Arthas at other times, like the narration in the ''Wrath of the Lich King'' opening cinematic.
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One of the founding members of the Order of the Silver Hand and so first paladins, Turalyon was Lothar's protégé, and served as his second-in-command through the Second War. While fighting the orcs, Turalyon nonetheless struggled to reconcile them with his religious beliefs: how could [[The Force|the Light]] be all-embracing and all people [[Rousseau Was Right|essentially good]] while the evil of the orcish Horde existed? By the end of the Second War, he finally resolved these doubts, and in turn led the Alliance Expedition into Draenor, the orc homeworld. There Turalyon helped to save Azeroth from destruction again, though he was thought lost when Draenor was destroyed. He was discovered to have survived in ''The Burning Crusade'': while not present in the game, his son, a half-elf paladin, was discovered alive in the remnants of Draenor.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass]]: The Alliance player base considers him this.
* [[Badass Army]]: He ends up being the leader of one.
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She is highly suspicious of outsiders from other races, and only rarely volunteers advice or assistance to them. The most she will offer to do for visitors is to provide a small escort of archers or huntresses to guide them, as well as to secretly keep tabs on them and prevent them from despoiling her homeland in any way. As she grows to know outsiders better, she tends to open up more to them and can become quite friendly. She often develops a deep respect and camaraderie with anyone who fights side-by-side with her on the battlefield, and appreciates the assistance of strangers even if she doesn't display or communicate that appreciation very well.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Archer]]: She fought with a bow in ''Warcraft III'' and had an ice arrow spell. In ''Well of Eternity'', she uses a bow until she runs out of arrows, but most of the relevant mechanics are her using Elune's blessing.
* [[Badass in Distress]]: At the end of the Night Elf campaign of ''Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne''.
Line 566:
First paladin ever and founder of the Order of the Silver Hand, Uther the Lightbringer became one of the greatest heroes during the Second War of Azeroth. Prior to the events of ''Warcraft III'', Uther took Prince Arthas Menethil as his apprenctice, hoping that he would grow into a benevolent and powerful paladin, but he had to watch in horror how he slowly [[Face Heel Turn|became the champion of the Lich King]], who slayed King Terenas, his own father and a personal friend of Uther, and finally Uther himself. Uther is remembered as one of the greatest heroes of the Alliance, right behind Lothar.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Not only the Grand Master of the Paladin Order, but also the most powerful.
* [[Badass Beard]]: In ''Warcraft III''.
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In the ''Mists of Pandaria'' expansion, according to [[Word of God]], Varian will be set up as the "High King" of the Alliance, in a role similar to Lothar and Turalyon before him.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[All There in the Manual]]: The [[World of Warcraft (comics)||comics]] go into a bit more detail for Varian's reason for his hate for the Horde other than just Fordragon's death. He and Thrall did attempt to have a diplomatic peace treaty, which ended disastrously after {{spoiler|a [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] Garona entered and tried to kill everyone present}}.
** To further clarify, {{spoiler|Varian is aware of the fact that Garona killed his father Llane, but not that she was brainwashed into doing it, and accuses Thrall of hiring her to finish the job, so to speak. He refuses to believe Thrall had nothing to do with the attack, and they part on bad terms}}.
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The only one of the three Eredar lords approached by Sargeras to reject his offer of power. He has a gift of prophecy that allowed him to see ''exactly'' where that path would lead, and with the help of the naaru, beings of pure Light, he led the like-minded Draenei (Eredun for "exiles") into becoming interdimensional refugees.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Velen himself is involved in this moment for a villain. As Kil'jaeden lay dying on his warship above Argus, he confessed his admiration for Velen and hoped that if he's wrong about the Legion, that Velen could stop them. Velen wordlessly places his hand on the much larger Kil'jaeden's forehead, implying he had forgiven Kil'jaeden for going down the path of the Legion.
* [[Antagonistic Offspring]]: In Legion, Kil'jaeden is revealed to have kidnapped Velen's son and raised him to become a demonic Eredar. Kil'jaeden renamed him Rakeesh and put him at the head of a demonic army to destroy the Exodar.
* [[Barrier Warrior]]: One of Velen's uses of the Light. Best shown in ''Legion during the Battle for the Exodar, as when the Burning Legion attacks the Exodar, Velen protects his people with an absolutely massive barrier of Light that instantly incinerates any demon that run into it.
* [[Broken Pedestal]]:
** Subverted for alt-Velen in Warlords of Draenor. Some Draenei have lost faith in his prophecies and ability to lead after he failed to predict/prevent the arrival of the Iron Horde. However, {{spoiler|after his [[Heroic Sacrifice]], there are many who mourn him as a true hero and servant of the Light}}.
** Played with for main timeline Velen in ''Legion''. After the Battle for the Exodar where a prophecy from the Light Velen hoped would never happen came to pass, Velen's trust in the Light is fragmented and leaves him bitter and vengeful towards the Legion. He's also shocked and disapproving of Xe'ra's attempt to forcibly Lightforge Illidan on Argus. A very downplayed example though, as while he's been tested, he still serves the Light and believes in its benevolence, he just isn't sure the Light always knows best.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Albeit of a more cerebral/spiritual bent.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: A line made at the Sunwell Plateau implies he and Kil'jaeden are brothers. This is almost certainly figurative, but even so the two were close.
Line 659 ⟶ 665:
* [[Elderly Immortal]]: While he's not the only Draenei who remembers Argus (Velen's [[Immortality]] has been recently confirmed, and all uncorrupted Draenei are known to be either [[The Ageless]] or just ridiculously [[Long Lived]]), he's one of the few who actually looks old.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: In a way. He chose exile and "betray" someone he loved as a brother rather than see all of his race changed into demons. Also in his backstory, he heals people once he understands he needs to live more in the now than in the past or the future.
* [[Healing Hands]]: As a Draenei and a priest, this is a given.
* [[The Lost Lenore]]: ''Legion'' adds one for Velen in the form of his partner Nuuri.
* [[Magic Staff]]: Carries a wooden staff with large purple, glowing crystals on top. ''Legion'' reveals the crystals to be his badge of office from when he, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde led the Draenei prior to Sargeras' arrival.
* [[Messianic Archetype]]: Pretty much a mash-up of a few Judeo-Christian figures. Leads his people out of slavery to the Burning Legion, is noted for his wisdom as well as powers of prophecy and healing. Also, in an alternate timeline he willingly sacrifices himself to purify a Naaru and save his people.
* [[The Messiah]]: For the Draenei.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Lady Liadrin during the Sunwell event and Illidan Stormrage in ''Legion''.
** With Durotan in ''Rise of the Horde''.
** With Lady Liadrin during the Sunwell event of ''Burning Crusade''.
** With Illidan Stormrage in ''Legion''. They spend the entire campaign in Argus verbally quipping at each other about their life choices, but by the end when Illidan decides to stay behind, they both genuinely smile at each other and give each other a nod of approval.
* [[Prophecies Are Always Right]]: Averted in ''Warlords of Draenor'': alt-Velen says he can see the most likely way things will go and, depending on the outcome, he can take steps to either bring it to pass or avoid it.
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: A ''[[Our Angels Are Different|godlike being]]'' went ''willingly'' into torturous enslavement because Velen knew it would happen.
* [[White Magic]]
* [[Wizard Beard]]: Has a long, flowing white beard.
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: Because there are a bunch of demons there that want to kill you horribly. And it'sThis notbecame fullymoreso clearwhen that''Warlords hisof people even ''haveDraenor'' arevealed homethat toArgus gohad backbeen toturned (consideringinto the damageLegion's themain Orcbase warlocksof didoperations. to Draenor, one can only imagine what became of Argus).
** Defied in Legion. After the Legion invades the Exodar, led by Velen's own son who is killed in the fight, Velen orders the Exodar readied for flight, declaring they are returning home. While the Exodar is not repaired, they build a new ship called the Vindicaar and go to Argus to take the fight to the Legion.
== Vincent Godfrey ==
Line 672 ⟶ 685:
A very ambitious and influential noble from Gilneas, Lord Vincent Godfrey controlled the northlands of the kingdom behind the Greymane Wall. It was due to his political scheming that Gilneas ever offered any support, if only token, to the Alliance during the Second War and that the Greymane Wall cut off Darius Crowley from his lands, in a deliberate play for power. While the king saw through this, he nonetheless agreed with his proposal. Godfrey has a fierce hatred for the Worgen and fiercely defends Gilneas from them. Unfortunately, when Genn Greymane himself turned out to be one of the worgen, he tries to trade him to the Forsaken in exchange for Gilneas. The Worgen player foils this, and he commits suicide by jumping off a cliff. The Forsaken later raise him as one of their own, and he proves instruemental in defeating the Gilneas Liberation Front as well as the 7th Legion. Unfortunately for the Forsaken, he held no actual loyalty to them and so {{spoiler|shot Sylvanas in the back}}, before being forced to flee to Shadowfang Keep with his companions.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]: Very open with his ambitions to increase his power, which doesn't earn him many friends.
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]
Line 693 ⟶ 706:
* [[The Strategist]]: Seems likely to be one.