Weaksauce Weakness: Difference between revisions

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** Rakshasas are devils who have always been ''very'' hard to hurt. In most edition, spells of level 7 or lower are worthless against them, non-magical weapons don't hurt them, and weapons that ''can'' hurt them do reduced damage. ''However'', a crossbow bolt that has been blessed by a Good-aligned cleric (this requires a common 1st-level spell) will kill one ''instantly''. Why crossbows? Nobody knows.
** Medusas can be petrified by their own reflection, but only in an actual mirror, not other reflective surfaces like clear water or polished stone. This seems to be a result of the curse that turned a society of beautiful women - who were vain, narcissistic snobs who tried to use black magic to preserve their beauty forever) into the first medusas. Whether they are [[Gorgeous Gorgon|gorgeous]] or otherwise, not being able to safely admire themselves in a mirror is part of their punishment.
** Vecna, the dreaded [[Greyhawk|Oeridian]] [[God of Evil|God of Secrets]], would likely crush any mortal who dared challenge him. He is a [[Physical God]], after all, and was a powerful lich even before becoming one, and in the module ''Die Vecna Die'', his [[Evil Plan]]s cause him to ascend to the power of a Greater God where threatens to destroy the whole multiverse and remake it in his own foul image. [[Impossible Task|What are the heroes to do?]] Well, actually, due to a flaw in his plan, he does have a weakness. Anyone who assimilates one of his two infamous artifacts (the ''Hand and Eye of Vecna'') or one of his lesser Relics (the ''First Digit, Second Digit, Third Digit, Last Digit, Incisors, Molar, Scalp, Skin, Heart, Foot,'' and ''Right Eye'', all parts of his original body) is immune to his divine abilities, and anyone wielding the ''Sword of Kas'' (a weapon he forged as a mortal lich and gave to his [[The Starscream|traitorous lieutenant Kas]]) can injure him. While the ''Eye of Vecna'' is unavailable to the heroes in this story (Vecna’s rival Iuz gets it first) but the Hand, Sword, and Relics are [[Boss Arena Idiocy|in Vecna’s palace in Caviticus]]. In short, they make it so that in the [[Final Battle]], Vecna must face them mano-a-mano, not that this will make it easy, of course.
* In ''[[Heavy Gear]]'' the advanced ''Black Mamba'' Gear - one of the more powerful designs in either of the two superpowers' armies - had exceptionally weak rear armour. The result is that Black Mambas could be (and routinely were in gameplay) easily defeated by lightweight ''Cheetah'' scout Gears. While the fluff text initially ignored this, the game's designers eventually acknowledged and lampshaded this weakness by having Mamba pilots clamouring for a solution to the "glassback" problem.
** Most [[Hover Tank|hovertanks]] have weak Underside facing, but it can be hit only when the vehicle moves over placed explosives or uses jump jets (to clear obstacles).