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[[File:cit 8 bit theatre - welcome to corneria - urge to kill rising.png|link=8-Bit Theater|frame|'''Welcome to Corneria!'''<ref>[[Overly Long Gag|I like swords.]]</ref>]]
{{quote|''"There are many guards in the castle!"''|'''NPC''', ''[[Adventurers!]]''}}
|'''NPC''', ''[[Adventurers!]]''}}
One common feature of most [[Role-Playing Game]]s are random townspeople that you can talk to and pump for information. However, many developers leave this as a low priority, giving them very limited dialogue that is endlessly repeated each time the [[Player Character]] engages them. Usually, it will just be a single sentence or two with little bearing on the plot (most often just giving some local flavor to a town), or a single sentence with some minor hints of the plot (that someone who actually matters will explain in more detail). Often goes hand in hand with [[Blind Idiot Translation|poor translations]] (where the same dialogue that was given lowest priority during the writing will get even lower priority for translation).
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** On good terms with the Legion? Expect every Legionnaire you encounter to greet you with "Ave. True to Caesar."
** "NCR officials at Camp McCarran were relieved when technical difficulties with its monorail line to the New Vegas Strip proved easy to fix. One anonymous official told us a serious mechanical failure would have been a disaster because of the age of the train and the scarcity.. of the replacement parts."
* At Gringotts in the ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Philosopher's Stone (video game)|Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone]]'' GBC game the player can talk to two different goblins who both claim to be counting piles of thousands of rubies... but no matter how many times you talk to them, they're still counting up from ruby number 95.
* ''MARDEK RPG'' plays this straight in most cases, but then it was made wholly by [[One-Man Army|a single person]] (wholly including the graphics, music, plot and programming), takes up about 22MB of space, and has [[Loads and Loads of Characters|so many of those single-line characters it's justified.]] Besides, the single dialogues are often quite hilarious and are usually all different, making [[Talk to Everyone|checking out every person in a location]] a fun thing to do. All of the ten or so playable characters in the third installment have one line for every location, though, and three pieces of dialogue unlocked with levelling. [[BioWare]] could be proud.
* ''[[Slime Forest Adventure]]'' is an [[Edutainment Game]] developed by a single individual. The dialog for NPCs wasn't exactly a high priority.