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** Another time Castle and Beckett find out that Ryan's fiance slept with another man while she was already dating Ryan. They fear that this information will destroy the relationship and angst over wheter to tell him. When they finally tell him, he reveals that he already knew and did not thik that it was a problem since they were only dating for a month at the time and were not yet exclusive.
* [[Saved by the Bell|Jessie's]] (in)famous addiction to caffeine pills. This was the extremely common [[The Nineties|1990's]] [[Very Special Episode]] about otherwise [[Lawful Stupid]] overachievers using stimulants to get better grades. [[Family Ties|Alex P. Keaton]] and [[The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air|Carlton Banks]] played this straight by actually getting addicted to prescription drugs, with [[Anvilicious]] results, but, because [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin'|the show was expressly aimed at kids,]] the producers refused to reference or even imply illegal drug use in a [[Drugs Are Bad]] episode. The result is poor Elizabeth Berkley [[Chewing the Scenery]] over a bottle of no-doze as if it were Oxycontin.
** ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'':
** Played for laughs in an episode when [[Affably Evil|Mayor Wilkins]] is making a speech right before Ascending.
{{quote|'''Buffy''': Oh. God. ([[Beat]]) He's ''really'' going to go through the whole speech, isn't he?}}
:* More straightfowardly, the characters in Buffy had a tendency to get incredibly [[Buffy-Speak|lecture-y]] whenever one of them had a little too much to drink. Even then the lectures were always a joke, except for the one time where Xander was binge drinking {{spoiler|to try and forget about Anya.}}