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See also [[Back That Light Up]]. Invert this trope and apply it to music and you get [[Loudness War]].
Not to be confused with [[Blackout Basement]]. Contrast [[Hollywood Darkness]].
* The original design of the [[Game Boy Advance]] had a very dark screen. The problem was made worse, at the initial release of the system, because early development units had a brighter screen than retail units, so the colors were calibrated to be darker than intended. ''[[Castlevania]]: [[Circle of the Moon]]'' and the port of ''[[Doom]]'' are commonly-held examples of games that are noticeably more playable on a backlit GBA SP or DS. ''[[Doom]]'' had the option to turn off dynamic lighting (no darkness and shadows), which was pretty much like having a permanent Light Amplification Goggles powerup -- which was removed from the GBA edition for being redundant.
* ''[[Doom|Doom 3]]'', made much worse by the fact that you can't use a gun and a flashlight at the same time <ref>There is no duct tape on Mars</ref>. The PC version has mods to fix this.
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** It was actually in the "Lamepro" section, which appeared in every issue prior to April 2007. The Lamepro section included other greats such as ''President Evil'', among other spoofed games.
* According to ''[http://www.designersnotebook.com/Columns/052_Bad_Game_Designer_4/052_bad_game_designer_4.htm Bad Game Designer, No Twinkie!]'', this is a common problem for Mac ports of PC games due to different gamma values. The [[Game Engine|Unreal Engine]] in particular is subject to this, due to a gamma-correction feature that only works properly on PCs.
* The first ''[[Riddick]]'' game, ''Escape from Butcher Bay,'' throws you into some very dark situations before Riddick receives his [[Super Senses]]. The worst of these occurs in Pope Joe's den, where you're asked to [[Fetch Quest|retrieve a radio]] in a [[A Worldwide Punomenon|pitch black]] [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer|sewer]] while armed with a [[Ten -Second Flashlight|dying flashlight]]. Also the sewer is populated with howling mutants.
* Developers wanted to make sure that you'd play ''[[Limbo]]'' at night due to brightness levels being low.
* ''[[Descent|Descent Maximum]]'', as shown in a Let's Play.
* This happens for a little while in the ''[[Silent Hill]]'' games, before you locate your flashlight, and during this point, your best bet with enemies is to simply run your fool ass off.
** ''Silent Hill Homecoming'' is the worst culprit for this, having areas of the game so dark, that even with the flashlight you can barely see where you're going.
* Dark areas in the first ''[[Soldier of Fortune]]''. You were running blind, [[Goggles Do Nothing|even with night vision goggles]], [[The All -Seeing AI|while the enemies could still see you]].*
* [[Splinter Cell|Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow.]] The game actually looks pretty good. Too bad it's so dark that you'll almost always be playing it through the black-and-white night vision. Somewhat justified, it being a stealth game.
* ''[[Fallout 3]]'' is an offender as its very many dark areas are almost pitch black even at the highest brightness setting. Turning on the Pip-boy lamp makes everything, such as rocks, shiny and causes lots of bloom. It also only brightens a tiny area.
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