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* General George S. Patton,
* Juan Pujol Garcia, aka GARBO, just for his chutzpah and [[Refuge in Audacity]] that saved countless numbers of lives. Juan is a Spanish citizen, who fears a Nazi victory, he offered his services to be a spy for the British, but they turned him down. Undaunted, he turned to the Germans and pretended to be a well placed British agent and gave them information on troops, shipping movements, and the like. In fact, he was living in Lisbon and based his info on news clips and railway timetables. When he tried to offer his services to the British again, they accpeted him, realizing that's how much the German's trusted him. By the time of the D-Day Normandy landings, he was so trusted, that he's able to convince the Germans that the Normandy landings are just a feint; stopping them from committing troops to combating the invasion.
* Juan Pujol Garcia, aka GARBO,
** Jaun Garcia was given the Iron Cross, one of the highest military decoartions of the German Army at the moment, just for his spying and giving the details of the Normandy landings. The funniest thing was that he was also given the Victoria Cross for deceiving the Germans without getting caught.
** [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]: He's just one guy, but somehow managed to make the Germans think (with the help of the Double Cross System). Also, he had a network of '''27''' agents in all of Britain. The kicker was that the Nazi paid all of these 27 agents, which means the Germans were paying [[The Exchequer]].
** [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]: After the war, Juan faked his death and leaving for Venezuela. His commanding officer thought that he was literally dead and Jaun also thought that this officer died. In 1982, they were both reunited.
* September 1, 1942: Luftwaffe pilot Hans Joachim Marseille