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** They did: Rommel was part of the El Alamein. He couldn't have won any way, since Monty had managed to make sure the deck was stacked ever so completely in his favor that no one on Earth could have beaten him. A lot of that was due to the supply advantage, so in a sense the Royal Navy that won El Alamein.
* Since the Soviets are approaching rapidly, Werner von Braun, the German rocket physicist invented the V-2, gathered his staff together and asked them how they wished to surrender. They all agree that their best bet was to attempt to defect to the Americans. Not only did they evade the Soviets, but they also escape the SS guards who had orders to execute them in case they fall into enemy hands. However, von Braun convinced the SS Major to disperse the team into nearby villages, supposedly to avoid the American bombs. Once the Americans arrived, von Braun was able to surrender willing his whole team of rocket engineers and all the technology they had invented for the Nazis. Promptly the scientists were whisked away to the States, where they helped create a rocketship that could send men to the moon.
* Edward Charlton VC - A tank driver with the Irish Guards as they advanced into Germany. A troop of Shermans and a platoon of infantry soldiers were sent to take a village, which was soon counter-attacked by Panzer Grenadiers, a full battalion of them, and some self-propelled guns. The three tanks were knocked out quietly, and the infantry were in danger of being overrun. The Guardsman Charlton climbed up onto his tank, which was burning, dismounted the heavy machine gun and started advancing on the enemy, firing from the hip. He managed to stopped the entire German counter-attack in its tracks. After being hit the first time, he used a nearby fence to support the gun and continued firing for nearly half an hour, only stopping when he was hit for the third time, and after firing one-handed for ten minutes. He was captured by the Germans and died in one of their hospitals, but he would never have got his Victoria Cross without the German soldiers recalling how they were held by one man firing a machine gun in front of three burning tanks. Really a CMoA!
* Some of the Canadian VC winners:
** Aubrey Cosens. He took control of the remnants of his shattered unit, positions them in a certain way to cover him, jumps onto a tank (thus exposing himself to enemy fire), directs the tank's fire, and then has it ram several farmhouses. He then runs into the farmhouses ON HIS OWN, and with the exception of one sniper, kills, or captures all of them, amounting to over 20 enemies. He just missed one and got his head shot off.
** Aubrey Cosens
** Padre John Foote. It certainly takes serious balls to jump OFF an ESCAPING boat at Dippe and being WILLINGLY captured.
** Padre John Foote.
** Charles Hoey. He charges up a hill which is occupied by Japanese soldiers, through machine-gun, and sniper fire, receiving multiple wounds, including one to the head, shooting his Thompson from the hip, and manages to capture it. Had he not died immediately after, he would been a [[One Man Army]].
** Charles Hoey.
** Charles Meritt. During Dieppe, the Canadians had attempted multiple times to cross a bridge (and failed). What did Meritt do? TAKE HIS HELMET OFF AND RUN ACROSS THE BRIDGE, WAVING HIS HELMET AND YELLING, "Come on over. There's nothing to it!" Somehow, in THAT INSTANT, the Germans (who had superior supplies and weapons, like machine-guns, mortars, etc.) went Star Wars Stromtroopers and can't hit him. When his advance was blocked by pillboxes, he led the attacks on each of the turns, destroying one by himself with a grenade. When the retreat order came, he told everyone else to get out while he held off the Germans. Collecting weapons (and taking out a sniper with a BREN LMG), he held off the German's as long as he can for most of his surviving men to escape, quite likely going [[Guns Akimbo]] at this points. He was captured, remained a Prisoner of War, until the end, and expressed regret that he hadn't stayed in the fight.
** Charles Meritt.
* Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin,