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* General William Rupertus predicted that Peleliu would be taken in 4 days. The Japanese held on to it for 74.
* General William Rupertus predicted that Peleliu would be taken in 4 days. The Japanese held on to it for 74.
* From the [[POV Cam|POV]] of the IJN, the REAL CMoA was sinking the British capital ships, ''Repulse'' and ''Prince of Wales''. This proved that the Japanese Navy had "grown up" seeing the British Royal Navy as its mentor, supplier, and superior, to the point that one of the IJN's most cherished keepsakes was a lock of Nelson's hair. Sinking two of the Royal Navy warships finally proved that once and for all that the IJN was, man for man, an equal to ever other international navy. More remarkably, the normally ruthless Japanese Navy made a rare display of gallantry after this victory. The next day after the sinkings (after allowing the survivors to escape), a squadron of Japanese planes flew to the wreckage of the two ships and dropped wreaths of flowers to honor the British dead.
* From the [[POV Cam|POV]] of the IJN, the REAL CMoA was sinking the British capital ships, ''Repulse'' and ''Prince of Wales''. This proved that the Japanese Navy had "grown up" seeing the British Royal Navy as its mentor, supplier, and superior, to the point that one of the IJN's most cherished keepsakes was a lock of Nelson's hair. Sinking two of the Royal Navy warships finally proved that once and for all that the IJN was, man for man, an equal to ever other international navy. More remarkably, the normally ruthless Japanese Navy made a rare display of gallantry after this victory. The next day after the sinkings (after allowing the survivors to escape), a squadron of Japanese planes flew to the wreckage of the two ships and dropped wreaths of flowers to honor the British dead.
** Realizing that both the ''Repulse'' and ''Prince of Wales'' were all but helpless against the Japanese airpower, all the planes during the first attack wave initially refused to bomb and torpedo on the British ships. When the ground command demanded their reasons, one pilot responded "I can't. That ships looks just like our ''Kongo'' [A Japanese Battlecruiser].
** Realizing that both the ''Repulse'' and ''Prince of Wales'' were all but helpless against the Japanese airpower, all the planes during the first attack wave initially refused to bomb and torpedo on the British ships. When the ground command demanded their reasons, one pilot responded "I can't. That ships looks just like our ''Kongo'' [A Japanese Battlecruiser]."
**Is it a pure coincidence that IJN Kongo was designed and built by Vickers.
* Some of the CMoA also counts as some of the [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] are the Japanese Holdouts such as Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda. Albeit it may be easily to ridicule them for not believing that the war was over, they showcase such devotion and bravery of the Japanese Army to their homeland. The fact that a few, like Onoda managed to survive into the 1970s and mostly by themselves, just using their wits and knowledge to live on and in good condition is a testament to the country they served.
* A humanitarian Japanese CMoA, just look no further than Chiune Sugihara. As a Vice Consul to Lithuania, he issued thousands of travel visas to Jews escaping from the Nazis. He's basically the Japanese Oskar Schindler, with the added bonus awesomeness that he had very little official power. Israel recognizes him as Righteous Among the Nations for his heroics.
** [[Bad Ass]]
** Just when Japan eventually found out what he was doing - It took them a very long time, because no one believed that Chiune would commit career suicide like that. - They ordered him back to Tokyo. On the train taking him out of Lithuania, Sugihara just kept writing visas and tossing 'em out the window.
* After getting hit with an atomic bomb, most people will take some days off from work, but not Tsutomu Yamaguchi. Mr. Y was in Hiroshima on business when the Little Boy decimated the city. Despite suffering sever burns to his face and back, he walked twenty-two miles just to the nearest train station and back to his home. - To Nagasaki, after spending the night at a hospital he reported back to work the very next day. He was in a midst of an argument with his boss (who insisted that Yamaguchi was lying about the atomic bomb and its' capabilities), just when Fat Man was dropped. Depending on how you look at it, he's either one of the luckiest or unluckiest people on Earth. Yamaguchi shares a title with 125 other people, it's ''nijuuhibaku''.