World War II/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* Let's remember Raizo Tanaka, since we're talking about balance. He commanded the "Tokyo Express", which carried supplies to the surrounding Japanese garrisons and evacuating them when the time comes, in the teeth of the American surface, sub, and air power. All the while winning or tying several sharp actions. He's a very [[Worthy Opponent]].
** The entire Imperial Japanese Navy deserves congratulations for its awesomeness. They're beset by [[Obstructive Bureaucrat| obstructive bureaucrats]], treated their sailors with cruelly, and were accused of a ton of war crimes. Bt they were also as fanatically brave as the Japanese army and just as tactically sophisticated. They managed to stand toe-to-toe with the two greatest naval powers in the world and survive more than three years.
** The most dramatic moment for the Japanese Navy was when they were defeated and finally stared them in the face. Once realizing that the war would be lost once the Philippines was liberated, the Japanese Admiralty - with tears in their eyes - Begged the rest of the War Cabinet to be given a "One last chance to blossom like the flowers of death." They were given their chance, which resulted with the greatest naval battle of all time: Leyte Gulf.
*** What made Leyte Gulf so dramatic for the Japanese? Knowing that they have no chance of winning against the American Navy's full might, they sent decoys, using several major battlegroups. - Just to lure the main American fleet away from the defenseless transports. One decoy group (and two battlesships) were utterly annihilated with barely no survivors. Another decoy group (including four carries) was also all but wiped out. The strategy succeeded - And the main Japanese force found itself fighting over a few destroyers and escort carrier before even reaching Leyte Gulf. Unfortunately for the Japanese, the force they faced was the battle group off Samar, whose mind-bogglingly brave exploits are mentioned above. There's no shortage of bravery and self-sacrifice on both sides.
* Another Japanese CMoA is in the form of the IJS ''Shigure'', a destroyer and one of history's "Lucky" ships. Shigure was involved in no less than 9 major fleet actions betwixt the Battle of Coral Sea and Leyte Gulf, and came out of them practically unscratch! Her luck ran out in January, 1945 when the USS Tang sunk her.
* The Japanese invasion of Malaya, which culminating in capturing Singapore, also counts. Prior to the war, Singapore was considered as the "Gibraltar of the East", nearly impossible to capture. Instead, the Japanese struck with such surprise and force, moved with such speed, that in two months the city fell.
** Mostly because the Singaporean defenses are set up to defend against southern seaborne invasions, while the Japanese went and rode bicycles through Malaya and into Singapore from the north. Which is a CMOA in itself.
** The defenses, including the big guns could turn around and hit the Japanese troops on Malaya, the shells used were not effective against the infantry. Even the British review stated that even if they were anti-troop shells fired Singapore would STILL fall, though with heavier Japanese casualties.
** There's a story that claims they were charging so fast through Malaya that they overtook the British, who were retreating.
*** There's another story where a Japanese tank commander (probably Shimada), who led his unit to sneak and roll over the British lines during midnight. This operation was so successful that the unit penetrated six defense lines without being reported back. When the sun rise, the unit get in just in time that the British division command can see Japanese tanks [[Oh Crap| rolling outside their footstep]]!
** In a [[Your Mileage May Vary]] with this one; CMOA for Japan, [[Dethroning Moment of Suck|DMoS]] for anyone else involved...